getMyRecords Method


You can use the getMyRecords method to fetch data by the owner of the Authentication tokenspecified in the API request.

 Request URL

XML Format:

JSON Format:

 Auth Token

Auth Token is an encrypted alphanumeric string that is required to authenticate your CRM account credentials. A valid user's Authentication Token is necessary to access the API. When making an API request, send the authentication token in the Authorization header as shown below:




(See Using Authentication Token )

 Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
selectColumnsStringTo select the required fields from CRM module.
Format: Module(optional columns)
Example: leads(Last Name,Website,Email) OR All
fromIndexIntegerDefault value: 1
toIndexIntegerDefault value:20
Maximum value:200
sortColumnStringStringYou can select one of the fields in CRM in to sort the data.
Ex: sortColumnString=Company
Here, sorting of the data will happen based on the Company field
sortOrderStringStringSorting order: asc or desc
If you use the sortColumnString parameter, by default data is sorted in ascending order.
lastModifiedTimeyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssDefault value: null
If you specify the time, created/modified data will be fetched after the configured time.
newFormatInteger (1 or 2)newFormat=1: To exclude fields with "null" values while fetching data from your CRM account.
newFormat=2: To include fields with "null" values while fetching data from your CRM account.

version = 1:(Default value) This will fetch responses based on the earlier API implementation i.e prior to the enhancements made.
version = 2: This will fetch responses based on the latest API implementation.

Current version is 4.

* - Mandatory parameter


  • Refer the Release Notes  page to learn more about enhancements made in the API implementation.

 Error Codes

Please refer Error Codes .

 Additional Notes

  • While retrieving data from your Vertical CRM account, role-based security (Roles, Profiles, Field-level security and Data sharing rules) is applied.
  • fromIndex and toIndex are optional parameters. By default the fromIndex is 1 and toIndex is 20.
  • sortColumnString and sortOrderString are also optional parameters
  • The value for lastModifiedTime parameter should be in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format


 To fetch leads data from Vertical Solution


To fetch data from other modules, replace Leads with Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, etc.

  To fetch more than 200 records

By default you can fetch 20 records per batch. However, by using the toIndex parameter you can fetch up to 200 Records per batch. If you want to fetch more than 200 records, follow the steps given below:

Iteration 1: fromIndex=1&toIndex=200
Iteration 2: fromIndex=201&toIndex=400

 To fetch leads with “Company” name in the ascending order


 To fetch leads with "Company" name in the descending order


 To fetch leads without specifying the newFormat parameter


  • When there is no specification about the response format, the default value "1" will be assigned to the newFormat parameter, i.e newFormat = 1

https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/getMyRecords?selectColumns=Leads(Lead Owner,First Name,Last Name,Email,Company,No of Employees,Annual Revenue,Created By,Created Time)

This will return a response like below:

<row no="1">
<FL val="LEADID">2000000022020</FL>
<FL val="SMOWNERID">2000000018005</FL>
<FL val="Lead Owner">John</FL>
<FL val="Company">Zillium</FL>
<FL val="First Name">Scott</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">James</FL>
<FL val="No of Employees">10</FL>
<FL val="Annual Revenue">1000.0</FL>
<FL val="SMCREATORID">2000000016908</FL>
<FL val="Created By">John</FL>
<FL val="Created Time">2010-03-16 10:04:52</FL>
<FL val="Modified Time">2010-03-16 10:04:52</FL>

 To fetch leads with "newFormat=2"

https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/getMyRecords?newFormat=2&selectColumns=Leads(Lead Owner,First Name,Last Name,Company,Designation,Email,Phone,Fax,Mobile,Website,Lead Source,Lead Status,No of Employees,Annual Revenue)

This will return a response like below:

<row no="1">
<FL val="LEADID">2000000022020</FL>
<FL val="SMOWNERID">2000000018005</FL>
<FL val="Lead Owner">John</FL>
<FL val="Company">Zillium</FL>
<FL val="First Name">Scott</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">James</FL>
<FL val="Designation">null</FL>
<FL val="Email">null</FL>
<FL val="Phone">null</FL>
<FL val="Fax">null</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">null</FL>
<FL val="Website">null</FL>
<FL val="Lead Source">null</FL>
<FL val="Lead Status">null</FL>
<FL val="No of Employees">0</FL>
<FL val="Annual Revenue">0.0</FL>

 To fetch first 25 leads from Vertical Solution

https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/getMyRecords?newFormat=1&selectColumns=Leads(Lead Owner,First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)&fromIndex=1&toIndex=25

 To fetch leads with "lastModifiedTime" parameter

https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/getMyRecords?newFormat=1&selectColumns=Leads(Lead Owner,First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)&lastModifiedTime=2010-04-21 11:09:23


  • If you specify the time, modified data will be fetched after the configured time.

 To select all fields from leads with newFormat=1 parameter



  • This will return all fields which have values.

 To select all fields from leads with newFormat=2



  • This will return all fields, including null value fields.

 To fetch leads with lastModifiedTime, fromIndex and toIndex parameters

https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/getMyRecords?newFormat=1&selectColumns=Leads(Lead Owner,First Name,Last Name,Email,Company)&lastModifiedTime=2010-04-21 11:09:23 &fromIndex=1&toIndex=25

 Test Program

You can use the attached  program to run and test the working of the getMyRecords method in your Java Environment.

The Java Program contains the following:

  • the authentication token generation format
  • the parameters and their values
  • actual usage of the method