delink Method


You can use the delink method to dissassociate the relationship between parent and child records. For example, cases or tasks that are associated with account can be delinked, so that cases or tasks can be associated with another account using API. To get the IDs of parent and child records use <<>> method.

 Request URL

XML Format:
https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/<Module>/delink?id=<Record ID>&relatedId=<Related Record ID>&relatedModule=<Related-Module> 

JSON Format:
https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/json/<Module>/delink?id=<Record ID>&relatedId=<Related Record ID>&relatedModule=<Related-Module>

 Auth Token

Auth Token is an encrypted alphanumeric string that is required to authenticate your CRM account credentials. A valid user's Authentication Token is necessary to access the API. When making an API request, send the authentication token in the Authorization header as shown below:

https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/<Module>/delink?id=<Record ID>&relatedId=<Related Record ID>&relatedModule=<Related-Module>



(See Using Authentication Token )

 Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
id*StringSpecify unique ID of the record.
relatedId*StringSpecify unique ID of the child record.
relatedModule*StringSpecify name of the related module. For details, refer CRM Modules & Fields 

* - Mandatory parameter