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The subString function takes source_text, start_index, and end_index as arguments. It returns a piece of text containing characters between the specified indices (including the start_index and excluding the end_index).


  • Index starts from 0
  • The start_index and/or end_index should not exceed the length of the source_text. If it exceeds, an error will be encountered during execution.
  • The end_index must be greater than or equal to the start_index, failing which an error will be encountered during runtime.
  • If start_index and end_index are the same, then the function will return an empty text.
  • You can use the subText or mid function to perform the same operation as the subString function.

Return Type

  • TEXT


<variable> = <source_text>.subString(<start_index>, [<end_index>]);


<variable> = subString(<source_text>, <start_index>, [<end_index>]);


ParameterData typeDescription
<variable>TEXTVariable which contains the returned text.
<source_text>TEXTThe source of text on which subString function is effected.

The index starting from which the characters in the source text will be returned.




The index until which the characters in the source text will be returned. If omitted, the rest of the text (from the start index) will be returned.

If a negative value is specified, this param will be ignored and rest of the text (from the start index) will be returned.


sourceText = "Welcome to Zoho Deluge"; 
newText = sourceText.subString(11, 22); 
info newText; // returns Zoho Deluge 

Email_Data = "Email:"; 
Email = Email_Data.subString(7); 
info Email;   // returns 

Date_Time_Data = "15-Aug-1947 12:00:00"; 
Date = Date_Time_Data.subString(0,11); 
info Date;    // returns 15-Aug-1947

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