This help page is for users in Creator 5. If you are in the newer version (Creator 6), click here. Know your Creator version.

1. What Does This Page Cover?

This page explains the URLs that can be used to print and export the detailed view of a report's record.

2. Overview

Zoho Creator supports URLs to print and export a report's individual records. When the URL is accessed, the record's will be printed/downloaded. These actions can be performed in both unpublished and published reports by using different URL formats.

To export or print records, the URLs can either be accessed directly in the browser or be included in customized actions within the application using the following methods:

  1. Write openURL Deluge task in workflows and functions using the target URL as input
  2. Configure open URL action in page elements using the target URL
  3. Use Redirect to URL action in workflows to navigate to target URL


  • For the printed/exported record to be more attractive and insightful, you can customize and assign a record template from the Print & PDF tab in report properties.
  • If a record template from the Print & PDF tab is not set, the record will be  exported/printed with the detailed view layout.
  • If both the above designs have been configured, the exported/printed record will follow the template opted in Print & PDF tab.

2.1. URL Formats

1. Reports Accessed from within an Application (Unpublished Reports)
  1. Print<username>/<app_link_name>/record-print/<report_link_name>/<record_ID>/
  2. Export as PDF<username>/<app_link_name>/record-pdf/<report_link_name>/<record_ID>/<file_name>
  1. Print<username>/<app_link_name>/record-print/<report_link_name>/<record_ID>/<private_key>/
  2. Export as PDF<username>/<app_link_name>/record-pdf/<report_link_name>/<record_ID>/<file_name>/<private_key>/
Link name of the account in which the application holding the target report has been created.
Retrieve the link name using the :
  1. Creator report's URL -<username>/<app_link_name>/#Report:<report_link_name>
  2. Deluge script with the system variable zoho.adminuser
Link name of the application from which the record is to be printed/exported.
Retrieve the link name using the:
  1. Creator report's URL -<username>/<app_link_name>/#Report:<report_link_name>
  2. Deluge script with the system variable zoho.appname
Link name of the report whose record is to be printed/exported. 
Retrieve the link name using the Creator report's URL -<username>/<app_link_name>/#Report:<report_link_name>
Record ID of the record that needs to be printed/exported. To retrieve this, add the ID field while configuring fields for web in a report. The record ID will then be displayed along each record in the live mode of the application.
The name in which the record needs to be downloaded. Provide any appropriate name of your choice with a maximum of 100 characters.
Note: This is optional when a record is exported from an unpublished report. By default, file name will be the name of the report.
(Applicable only for published reports)
The set of alphanumeric characters following the report link name in the permalink. It is the last path of the URL which is obtained after publishing the report.
Retrieve private_key using the Creator report's permalink:<username>/<app_link_name>/report-perma/<report_link_name>/<private_key>
For example, in the below permalink, "",
 "Kf96ZkqG85MBOHMbQsQKCdGPygrRZAhZjGebZjJ" is the private_key.

2.2. Use Case

1. Export Record as PDF using openURL task in successful form submission Workflow - In an Order Management application, say a customer enters details, such as address, contact email, and more, in a form Create Order. Upon submission, they need a downloaded copy of the acknowledgement for future reference. To achieve this, a Successful form submission workflow is configured. A Deluge script for openUrl task is written that instructs the specified export URL to be accessed. This workflow downloads the order acknowledgement for the customer.

2. Print Record when a Page Element is Clicked On - Say you've built a Course Planner application that helps students track their online educational course. From the Student Dashboard, the students can print the course schedule by clicking a Download Schedule button. This can be achieved by configuring an open URL action for the button (page element). The print URL mentioned in this action will be accessed on click of the page element in the live mode. It prints the specified course's schedule that is stored as a record in a Course Schedule form.

  1. openURL task
  2. open URL action
  3. Understand Report Publish

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