Working with a Tabular View

You can sort, filter, format, and freeze columns in a tabular view. In this section, we will discuss each of these options in detail.

Sorting a Tabular View

In Zoho Advanced Analytics, by default, Tabular View data will be sorted in ascending order based on the data columns added to the Group by block shelf. Zoho Advanced Analytics allows you to sort these data columns to customize them to your needs. 

To sort your Tabular View:

  1. Select the column to be sorted in your Tabular View.
  2. Click the Sort option at the top. Alternatively, you can also right-click on the required column and click Sort from the drop-down.
  3. You can choose to sort a Tabular View as given below: 
    • Sort Ascending - Sorts text data in ascending alphabetical order (A to Z), numbers from smallest to largest (0-9) and dates from oldest to latest.
    • Sort Descending - Sorts text data in descending alphabetical order (Z to A), numbers from largest to smallest (9-0) and dates from latest to oldest.
    • Remove Sorting - Clears the applied sorting.

You can also sort the data columns in a Tabular View by clicking the Up/Down arrow that appears inline to your Column Name on mouse over.

Dynamic Filtering

Zoho Advanced Analytics allows you to dynamically filter the Tabular View to include/exclude only the needed data. As shown below, the filtering option varies based on the data type of the column being filtered. 

The filter option in a Tabular View is similar to the one in a data table. To apply a filter in a Tabular View:

  1. Click on the Filter button in the toolbar.
  2. The filtering options relevant to each data column will be displayed right below the column name. You can choose the appropriate filter operation and provide the filter value. Click Apply to apply the filter.
  3. You can apply filters for more than one column and create AND filters.
  4. Click Apply to apply the filters.
  5. After adding the required filters, click the Save (New*) button to save the created filter. Any number of filters saved will be available inside the filters option.

You can also filter to include/exclude a particular data value by following the below steps:

  1. Right-click on the required data cell.
  2. In the menu that appears, click Filter including this value/Filter excluding this value

This will add the filtering pane below the column names. You can then add the required filters.

Editing the saved Dynamic Filters

All the saved dynamic filters will be listed under the Filters menu. You can edit them by clicking the Edit icon that appears on mouse over the filter name.

To delete a filter, click the Filter menu > Delete icon inline to the filter name.


Freeze Column

The Freeze Column option allows you to pin columns in the report. These pined columns will not move while scrolling the columns horizontally and will stay static.

The Freeze columns will be displayed at the beginning of the Tabular view, one after the other.  

To freeze a column in Tabular View:

  1. Select the column and click More > Freeze Column.

    Alternatively, you can also right-click a column and click Freeze Column from the drop-down.
  2. To Unfreeze the column click the pin icon on the top right corner of the column.

Exporting a Tabular View

Zoho Advanced Analytics allows you to export the Tabular View that you have created into various file formats like CSV, PDF, XLS or HTML.

To Export a Tabular View:

  1. Open the Tabular View that you would like to export. 
  2. Click the Export icon in the toolbar.
  3. Select from the following export options: 
    • CSV - Exports the underlying data of the Tabular View as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. 
    • PDF - Exports the view in Portable Document Format (PDF) file format. 
    • HTML - Exports the view in HTML file format. 
    • Excel (XLS) - Exports the underlying data of the Tabular View as a Excel file.
  4. In the Export as window that opens, provide the necessary inputs. Read more.
  5. Click the Export button at the bottom.