User feedack for Zoho Planner

Thanks to Dion Hinchcliffe giving Zoho Planner this award, Zoho Planner has found some very good audience lately. It has been praised highly and invariably compared against Backpack & RTM. Some comments from users below :

From Gaston Garcia of HermanoBrother :

Hi, just writing to tell you that I'm loving this.

I had used backpackit by 37 signals, but then it's got all the pricing things. And also, the fact that I can have calendars all around in your application is great.

The effects are also balanced and very useful.

One thing though: in Firefox 1.5, on Windows XP, while I write, I can't see the cursor blinking.

From Terence Reis :

Awesome work. Now if I can just get past the default factor I am really tempted to change Zoho for Backpack.

From Ian Tromp :

Is it possible to switch to European date formats - 22/2/06? Great looking product, which might just see me switching from RTM...

Thanks to all the passionate users using Zoho Planner & for all the feedback you had been giving. Coming to the feature requests, the most important one that everyone's been requesting is re-ordering of ToDo lists. Yes, we now know how important that is. We are working on it & it will be available soon. And there are other requests like RSS feeds (Dion's request too), having Zoho Planner remind you through SMS & GTalk, having the European date format (as Ian Tromp wants above), supporting a mobile version, single sign-on with Zoho Writer etc.

Of bugs, the most cited one is the blinking cursor not visible in Firefox 1.5. Others include images not resizing properly, many of the Wiki syntaxes not working & updating a page using emails not happening.

We are working on making Zoho Planner bug free, feature rich & still more usable. Not sure about us keeping our promise? Read what Ismael Ghallimi has to say of Zoho Planner :-)


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