List email templates


You can use this API to list the required number of email templates in your ZeptoMail account.

Request URL

Method : GET{mailagent-alias}/templates?offset=*&limit=*

*- Add the desired values.

OAuth scope

Any one of the following scopes can be used to access this API




ALL - This will give the basic CRUD access too all the email templates APIs.

The steps to generate and use OAuth token can be found here.

Path parameters

mailagent-aliasStringUnique alias value given to the Mail Agent. It is available in the Setup info section of your Mail Agent.
offsetIntPositional value of the template starting from which the set of templates have to be listed. Offset value should be the previous positional value of the desired template. Example : If you wish to retrieve the 9th template, offset should be 8.
limit IntDenotes the number of templates that need to listed. 


Sample request

Copiedcurl "{mailagent-alias}/templates/?offset=0&limit=10' \
-H "Authorization : Zoho-oauthtoken ***"\
-H "Content-Type : application/json" \

Sample response


 "metadata": {

   "offset": 0,

   "count": 2,

   "limit": 10


 "data": [


     "created_time": "12 Dec 2022 11:18 PM",

     "template_name": "Invite mail update",

     "template_key": "ea36f19a.5ecaba242f82149d.k1.1fb151c0-7a45-11ed-a51f-8a90785fcf47.185077368dc",

     "modified_time": "12 Dec 2022 11:18 PM",

     "subject": "Invite mail subject update",

     "template_alias": "invite-email"



     "created_time": "08 Dec 2022 01:33 PM",

     "template_name": "Test Template",

     "template_key": "ea36f19a.5ecaba242f82149d.k1.d5202e70-76ce-11ed-b259-525400256d50.184f0c302d7"

     "modified_time": "08 Dec 2022 01:33 PM",

     "subject": "Event Reminder Testing {{{event_title_val}}}",

     "template_alias": "testing"



 "message": "OK"
