Post to WordPress


To post a document from Writer to WordPress.

HTTP Request URL


Path Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
document_idStringSpecify the unique id of the document to be published in your WordPress site.
account_idStringSpecify the unique id of your WordPress account.
site_idStringSpecify the unique id of the site in which the document needs to be posted.

Body Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters

Choose how the document needs to posted. The document can be saved as a draft or published directly.

Enter post_type = draft, if you want to save the document as a draft.

Enter post_type = publish, if you want the document to be published directly. 

Optional Parameters
titleString - max 255 charactersSpecify a title for the post.
schedule_timeLongSpecify the time (timestamp in millisecs) when the writer document needs to be posted in your WordPress account.
tagsStringSpecify the comma-separated list of tag names

Specify the style in which the document needs to be posted.

Enter style = inline, if you want to post the document with all inline styles.

Enter style = none, if you want the post the document without styles. 

By default, the document will be posted with inline styles.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "{document_id}/apps/blog/wordpress/accounts/{account_id}/blogs/{site_id}"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xyz"

Sample Response

  "site_id": "11112222223333",
  "account_id": "33334445555556666",
  "post_type": "publish",
  "url": ""