Merge and Share Fillable Link


This API will allow you to generate pre-filled fillable links for the given records.

HTTP Request URL


Path Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
document_idStringSpecify a unique id for the Writer document.

Body Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
You can provide the data in any one of the below formats
merge_dataJSONObjectPass a String value through 'data' key as JSON Array.
merge_data_csv_contentFileProvide the required csv content in your API request body.
merge_data_json_contentFileProvide the required json content in your API request body.
merge_data_csv_urlurlProvide the required csv url in your API request body.
merge_data_json_url urlProvide the required json url in your API request body.
Optional Parameters
test_modeBoolean (true/false)

Using this param, you can test the Merge APIs without consuming any credit points. The output file will contain a watermark as it is used only for testing purpose.

Test mode limit: 50 merges/day for an org.


  • To use this API, an OAuth token should be generated with the following scopes ZohoWriter.documentEditor.ALL and ZohoWriter.merge.ALL 
  • Before using this API, ensure that the settings of 'Merge and Share Fillable Link' option under 'Choose Output' section is configured for the template inside our editor UI.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl --location --request POST "" \
  --header "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xxx.yyy.zzz" \
  --form "merge_data={\"data\":[{\"name\":\"Amelia\",\"email\":\"\"}]}"

Sample Response

    "merge_report_data_url": "<jobId>/data",
    "merge_report_url": "<jobId>",
    "records": [
            "data": {“name”:”Amelia”,”email”:""},
	        "fillable_link": "", 
            "status": "inprogress"
    "status": "success"

Deluge Snippet

Copieddata = Map();
data.put("InvoiceDate","27 May 2022"); 
param = Map();
info param;
response = invokeurl
	url :""
	type :POST
info response;

Sample Response

  "merge_report_data_url": "<jobId>/data",
  "merge_report_url": "<jobId>",
  "records": [
      "data": {
          "InvoiceNo": "12345",
          "InvoiceDate": "27 May 2022",
          "InvoiceAmount": "$100",
          "id": "0e002287-7c45-4188-af9f-65*****”
      "fillable_link": "", 
      "status": "inprogress"
  "status": "inprogress"