Bulk Merge


This API allows to merge documents in bulk.

HTTP Request URL


Path Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
template_idStringSpecify a unique id for the writer document.

Body Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
Mandatory Parameters
  "filename":"NDA <<test>>",
  "format": "zdoc/pdf/docx",
  "password": <field_id>,
  "merge_to": "separatedoc/singledoc"

Using this param, you will be able to specify the following;


format -> Specify the format in which you would like to download the merged document. Supported formats are zdoc, pdf and docx.


The below key values are optional;


filename -> Specify a name (without extension) for the merged document that needs to be downloaded.


For example: "filename = test" (extension will be automatically added based on the provided output format)


password -> Specify a password if you would like to protect the merged document. This key is supported only with docx and pdf files.


merge_to -> Specify in which type you would like to merge the document. Supported merge types are separatedocand singledoc


separatedoc - If you would like to merge each record as a separate document.


singledoc- If you would like to merge all the records as a single document.


By default, all the records will be merged as a single document.

You can provide the data in any one of the below formats
merge_dataJSONObjectPass a String value through 'data' key as JSON Array.
merge_data_csv_contentFileProvide the required csv content in your API request body.
merge_data_json_contentFileProvide the required json content in your API request body.
merge_data_csv_urlurlProvide the required csv url in your API request body.
merge_data_json_url urlProvide the required json url in your API request body.
Optional Parameters

Specify the third party sign service name with respect to which the merged document needs to be generated.


Possible values are adobesign and docusign. By default, it will be zohosign.

Note: To use this API, an OAuth token should be generated with the following scopes: ZohoWriter.documentEditor.ALL, ZohoWriter.merge.ALL, WorkDrive.files.ALL

Sample Request

Copiedcurl --location --request POST "https://www.zohoapis.com/writer/api/v1/templates/ponazfea04477109f4681a831e7177d96bc40/bulkmerge" \
  --header "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken xxx.yyy.zzz" \
 --form 'output_settings="{'\''format'\'':'\''docx'\'', '\''password'\'':'\''***'\'','\''merge_to'\'':'\''separatedoc'\'','\''filename'\'':'\''NDA<<test>>'\''}"'
  --form "merge_data={\"data\":[{\"name\":\"Amelia\",\"email\":\"amelia@zylker.com\"}, {\"name\":\"John\",\"email\":\"john@zylker.com\"}]}"

Sample Response

   "merge_report_data_url": "http://writer.zoho.com/writer/api/v1/merge/job/0tq5n465132106580437abe99b6f56f2b0c85/data",
   "merge_report_url": "http://writer.zoho.com/writer/v1/mailmerge/job/0tq5n465132106580437abe99b6f56f2b0c85",   
   "records": [
           "data": {
                  "name": "Amelia",
                  "email": "amelia@zylker.com"
        "download_link": {url},        
        "status": "inprogress"
           "data": {
                  "name": "John",
                  "email": "john@zylker.com"
        "download_link": {url},        
        "status": "inprogress"            
    "status": "inprogress"

// If the 'merge_report_data_url' is invoked, you will receive the following response;

1. If 'merge_to' = "separatedoc"

   "records": [
           "data": {
                  "name": "Amelia",
                  "email": "amelia@zylker.com"
        "download_link": {url},        
        "status": “completed”
           "data": {
                  "name": "John",
                  "email": "john@zylker.com"
        "download_link": {url},        
        "status": “completed”            
    "status": “completed”

2. If 'merge_to' = "singledoc"

    "records": [
            "download_link": “{url}“,
            "data": [
                            “name": “Amelia”,
                            “email”: “amelia@zylker.com”
                            “name": “John”,
                            “email”: “john@zylker.com”
            "status": "inprogress"
    "status": "inprogress"

Deluge Snippet

datamap.put("InvoiceDate","27 May 2022"); 
outputsettings = Map();
param = Map();
info param;
response = invokeurl
	url :"https://www.zohoapis.com/writer/api/v1/templates/olce2ef696f1810ee46ed8331f25aaece75dd/bulkmerge"
	type :POST
info response;

Sample Response

   "merge_report_data_url": "https://writer.zoho.com/writer/api/v1/merge/job/<jobId>/data",
  "merge_report_url": "https://writer.zoho.com/writer/v1/mailmerge/job/<jobId>",
  "records": [
      "download_link": “{url}”,
      "data": {
          "InvoiceNo": "12345",
          "InvoiceDate": "27 May 2022",
          "InvoiceAmount": "$100",
          "id": "0e002287-7c45-4188-af9f-65*****”
      "status": "inprogress"
  "status": "inprogress"