Your password safety is our priority

You get complete control of your passwords, both business and personal

  • You own your passwords

    You own all passwords, documents, and other sensitive information that you add to your vault. Even admins cannot view your business passwords unless you grant them access. Your personal passwords are always yours and can never be accessed by anyone, including your admins.

  • One vault for all your needs

    Store your personal and business passwords in one vault with simple classification. Simplify your logins, and never lose a password again, for any account.

Streamline access with customized roles

Assign suitable roles for everyone in your organization. A super-admin has complete control over the activities carried out in Vault. Admins can help them moderate critical activities, while a user has limited access privileges.

Password manager user roles
  • Transfer passwords before you leave

    Vault makes it easy to transfer all business passwords to trusted colleagues or admins and export personal passwords before you switch teams or leave the organization.

    Transfer passwords to colleagues using a password manage
  • Acquire business passwords from employees

    Super-admins can forcefully acquire all business passwords from an employee who left on bad terms. The user instantly loses access to these passwords, to prevent potential damage to the organization.

    Forcefully acquire business passwords from rogue users using Zoho Vault

Start your free trial today

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