Access critical passwords at all times

Get immediate access to critical passwords during emergencies


Critical passwords are usually owned by a limited number of individuals. These passwords, however, need to be available around the clock, even if the password owner is unavailable to approve access requests. Vault helps you avoid such unnecessary delays during emergencies by allowing you to nominate an emergency contact, who, during such times, will be entrusted with temporary access to all Enterprise passwords.

Add emergency contacts

Super Admins can either nominate themselves or any other user as an emergency contact. Emergency contacts will have the power to declare an emergency. Everyone in the organization will be notified over email when an emergency contact is added.

Add emergency contacts
Control emergency access

Control emergency access

When an emergency is declared, the emergency contact has temporary access to all enterprise passwords for a limited time. Super Admins can forcefully terminate emergency access if the reason for the emergency is suspicious.

Track all emergency activities

Everyone in the organization will receive an instant notification when an emergency is declared. All events during the emergency period are audited in real time.

Track all emergency activities