As an Admin, can I record the advance refund or advance carry forward for my employees?

Yes, you can record advance refunds and advance carry forward for your employees. To record an advance refund or an advance carry-forward:

  1. Switch to Admin View.
  2. Click the Reports module on the left sidebar.
  3. Navigate to the Awaiting Reimbursement tab to see the list of approved reports that are waiting to be reimbursed.
  4. Click the approved report for which you want to record reimbursement.
  5. Click the Record Reimbursement button.
  6. Click + Record Advance Refund, if the employee has returned the balance amount, and enter the other details such as Received on, Notes, and Reference#.
  7. If you want the user to carry-forward the advance, click + Record Advance Carry Forward. An advance will be created for the user and they can apply it on future reports.
  8. Click Mark as Reimbursed to save the details.
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