
Find surveys by typing keywords into the search bar on the All Surveys page.


Apply filters to manage your search results. Tap <screenshot> and you can apply the following filters on the All Surveys page.

  • All Surveys
  • Published
  • Drafts
  • Closed

You can click Cancel to remove any selected filters.


Tap any survey and you will be directed to the summary of the survey. Surveys that are yet to be published will list the number of pages and questions in your survey, and the date on which it was created. Published surveys will have the total number of responses, details on the number of completed and partial responses, and the number of pages, questions, and survey visits. It also lists out the status of the survey, its creation date, last response date, and last modified date.

What can I do here?

In unpublished surveys:

The web link for the survey will be generated, where you can perform the following actions

  • Tap to go back to the previous page
  • Tap Preview to view the survey
  • Tap Publish to launch your survey
    • Tap Access Survey to go to the survey live form
    • Tap Copy to copy the web URL
    • Tap Share and select the applications that appear in the pop-up to share your survey through various social media platforms or applications

In published surveys:

You can perform the following in the Actions section:

  • Tap View Report to view the report in detail. Read more on Reports <hyperlink>.
  • Tap to go back to the previous page
    • View Survey - Tap this to access the web link of the survey
    • Tap Access Survey to go to the survey live form
    • Tap Copy to copy the web URL
    • Tap Share and select the applications that appear in the pop up to share your survey through various social media platforms or applications
    • Tap Close Survey to stop receiving responses for the survey