The Best Instagam Marketing Strategy Guide for Your Business
Developing a well-defined marketing strategy for Instagram involves a lot of effort. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to make it simpler for you.
There's far greater scope for you to widen your brand's reach on Instagram
- 600
people seeking out new brands
- 500
accounts active everyday
- 02
advertisers sharing stories
- 20
times higher
engagement rates than X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook
- 163%
for brands with 100K followers in the last 2 years
- 80%
in time spent while watching videos
In this guide,
you'll learn all about
- Gettting started on Instagram
- Formulating your marketing strategy
- Tips for optimising content before posting
- Analysing brand performance
- Managing the interactions you receive
- Working closely with Instagram influencers
- Leveraging ad techniques to boost engagement
- Benfits of using third-party tools