The complete digital signature app for freelancers

Close deals and get paid faster

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Say goodbye to paperwork

Freelancers and independent professionals across the globe deal with a huge volume of paperwork and manual processes such as printing, scanning, and mailing while onboarding and offboarding clients. With Zoho Sign, you can now digitally sign documents, collect signatures from others, and close deals faster than ever before.

Popular use cases



Sign up and start signing documents in a few minutes. No prerequisites or complex installations to get started.



Sign up to five documents per month at no cost and pay as you go. No annual contracts and commitments.


Legally binding

Digital signatures are convenient and also accepted in the court of law for most of the documents worldwide. All documents signed using Zoho Sign are compliant with major international laws including the ESIGN ACT, UETA, EIDAS, PIPEDA, and many more.



Manage all signed copies from a centralized location and go completely clutter-free. Easy to adhere with compliance standards.

Sign your next client agreement with Zoho Sign.

Try Zoho Sign

Check out our legality guide.