Complimentary Zoho Sign credits

Available in the Enterprise edition

Zoho Sign is the only digital signature app that provides a truly unlimited document signing service. However, certain advanced features like sending documents in bulk and collecting signatures via SignForms require the purchase of additional Zoho Sign credits.

To ensure fair offering of these features, we provide complimentary Zoho Sign credits to all Enterprise users.

Who is eligible to receive complimentary credits? 
All organizations subscribed to our Enterprise plan and Zoho One bundle will automatically receive complimentary credits at the start of their billing cycle and be refreshed monthly thereon. The credits are provided at the organization or account level, meaning their usage is shared among all licensed users.

How many complimentary credits are provided?
We provide organizations with 50 complimentary credits for every user, up to a maximum of 2,500 complimentary credits per month.

When are these complimentary credits consumed?
5 Zoho Sign credits will be consumed each time a document is sent out for signature using Deluge-based custom functions or automated integration tasks from other Zoho apps, or when using the SignForms and bulk send features in Zoho Sign. 

Please see the detailed table at the end of the document for more information.

What is the difference between complimentary Zoho Sign credits and add-on Zoho Sign credits (paid)?
Add-on Zoho Sign credits are prepaid purchases and are consumed for all features that require credits, such as SMS OTP, sending documents via Zoho Sign APIs, and integration with third-party applications. For features like SignForms submissions and bulk send, add-on Zoho Sign credits are consumed once the complimentary credits are exhausted. 

Can I use complimentary credits to send documents using Zoho Sign APIs or integrate with third-party applications? 
No, complimentary credits cannot be used for this purpose. You would instead need to purchase add-on Zoho Sign credits. 

Are these complimentary credits transferable?
No, the credits are provided at the organization account level and are shared among all licensed users within the organization account. Unused credits will expire at the end of the same month based on the billing cycle date. 

Where do I track my organization's credits and usage?

To track your organization's credits, hover on Settings in the left panel of the Zoho Sign dashboard and click Subscription details. Here, you can view the total monthly complimentary credits provided to your organization and track how many credits have been used.
To monitor credit usage, click the More actions dropdown and select Usage history. The Usage history pop-up will display various automations consuming your credits. For a detailed view, select the click here link.

Credits consumption chart


Automation/integration action

Complimentary credits consumption

Paid Zoho Sign credits consumption post exhaustion

Zoho Sign

Sending documents for signature using bulk send

5 credits/ bulk send recipient5 credits/document

Zoho Sign

Receiving submissions on SignForms

5 credits/response5 credits/response

Zoho Forms

Sending document signing link to recipient email upon form submission

5 credits/envelope5 credits/envelope

Zoho Forms

Redirecting to Zoho Sign document for signing upon from submission

5 credits/envelope5 credits/envelope

Zoho Writer

Sending a merge-generated document for signature

5 credits/envelope5 credits/envelope

Zoho Flow

Sending documents for signature

(applies to flows built using only Zoho apps)

5 credits/envelope5 credits/envelope

Zoho Deluge

Sending documents for signature

(applies to all Zoho apps that support custom functions via Deluge tasks)

5 credits/envelope5 credits/envelope