Budget Report Template

About this template

Creating a budget report is one of the most important tasks in a project, as it clarifies the usage and allocation of project funds. This also helps managers, clients and other stakeholders in scaling the feasibility of the operations involved.


Font scheme

Exo | Signika


960 X 540 pixels

Color scheme
Title Slide

Title Slide

Orient your audience with a good title slide highlighting essential details of your report. Add points like the report's month and year with a short description of what they can expect from your presentation.


Table of Contents

This is an important slide as it outlines your report and breaks down your presentation into its key contents. List your budget items with a brief description for each to provide clarity.


Table of Contents
Cash flow

Cash flow

Keep this slide simple with less text and more visuals to take your audience through your project's cash flow. Remember to add important details or descriptions to help your audience comprehend the data better.


Planned budget vs actual budget

This is a comparison slide to showcase your planned and the actual budget for the project. Use different colors to differentiate your data and emphasize key areas or figures using animations.


Planned budget vs actual budget
Data at a glance

Data at a glance

Visually explain your data using charts to help your audience quickly grasp your figures. Add a line or two of your own explanation and analysis to show how this data influences your plan.


Geographic breakdown

If your project is set up worldwide or if your budget impacts offices set up in other geographic locations, break these down by area and illustrate where your funds are going geographically.


Geographic breakdown
Cost vs. revenue

Cost vs. revenue

Highlight the different areas or avenues in your project in which incurred costs or generated revenue and draw a comparison using bar charts. Give a proper title and use animations to make it visually engaging.


Cost reduction

This slide offers two different chart types to compare and display data for cost reductions. Identify areas for potential cost-cutting and provide an analysis of the trend for the past five years or more.


Cost reduction
Cash allotment and breakdown

Cash allotment and breakdown

Breakdown the budget stage wise or categorize them based on different avenues and provide a summary for each of these categories.



Provide a comprehensive brief about your results and analysis about the project using a storytelling approach. Exclusively designed for content, this slide helps you write a synopsis of your presentation, starting with the objective to defining the agenda and the goals accomplished.


The team

The team

Identify your team members who worked on the project or the report with their designation and a summary of their role.



If your report has visuals or images, you can showcase them as a collage with the storyboard slide.




Every project has a milestone or goals that needs to be accomplished within a certain timeline. List your goals and accomplishments based on your report findings using images, icons and brief descriptions.


Next steps and timeline

Outline your next set of activities or timeline for the project based on your conclusions from this report. Use icons or other visual elements to make your content as engaging as possible.


Next steps and timeline
End slide

End slide

End your presentation with your company credentials and provide credits to your data sources. Leave your audience with a quick final recap of your presentation and its objective.


Bonus Tip

To create a compelling report gather information on your company's past budget presentations to get an idea of how finance allocations methods can be used for your next action plan.