Traditional Advertising Plan Template

Create brand awareness with this traditional advertising presentation template

Provide a comprehensive overview of your advertising campaign with the traditional advertising presentation template. This free presentation template comes with a gray-scale aesthetic and lots of white space so you can present your content in a clear, organized manner.


Font scheme

Abel | Nunito


960 X 540 pixels

Color scheme
Title slide

Title slide

A good title will influence how the audience experiences your presentation. Pick something memorable but substantive.


Agenda slide

List the topics that will be discussed during the presentation. This creates a sense of structure while setting the tone for your session.


Agenda slide
Objective slide

Objective slide

Using icons to represent your objectives makes them more memorable and keeps your slide visually engaging.


Target audience slide

Describe your target audience. Analyze and classify the audience according to demography, geography, behavior, and psychographics.


Target audience slide
Keyword visibility ratio

Keyword visibility ratio

Show how the brand ranks against competitors with respect to organic SEO, brand index, and keywords.


Social media numbers

Explore brand visibility across social media platforms and list the number of followers on each platform.


Social media numbers
Social media strategy

Social media strategy

Propose a social media strategy for all platforms and project the resulting follower count.


Conversion, revenue, and financials

Convey data using charts to help the audience interpret the numbers more easily. Use this slide to show projected lead conversions, revenue generation, and financials through graphs.


Conversion, revenue, and financials
Marketing strategy

Marketing strategy

Use this slide to introduce your strategy and the reasons behind it. Remember to keep the text light and expand on your points verbally.


Connect with your audience

Use this slide to build a rapport with the audience. Share a personal anecdote or conduct polls and quizzes to encourage engagement.


Connect with your audience
Eye contact improves engagement

Eye contact improves engagement

Summarize the key points of the presentation to help the audience retain high-value information. Use this slide to ensure your team is aligned and their feedback is acknowledged.


Section divider

This slide acts as a transition between one topic and the next. Use this slide to separate different sections or topics in your digital strategy presentation.


Section divider
Meet the team

Meet the team

Use this slide to share relevant information about the strategy's stakeholders.


Customer persona

Segment your audience based on their backgrounds, demographics, and key characteristics, and explain the importance of each segment to your strategy.


Customer persona
Data at a glance

Data at a glance

Add data to your presentation to aid decision-making. Use this slide to explain your data through charts and graphs.



This slide can be used to show the timeline for the product release or the advertising plan. Show which marketing activities will be executed at which time.




Visually outline your advertising plan's milestones. Include key moments in chronological order.


Contact us

Leave your audience with a quick final thought that encapsulates you, your company, or this presentation.


Contact us
Alternate title slide

Alternate title slide

Use this slide as an alternate option for the title slide.
