Provide dedicated support

Chat routing is the process of connecting a visitor's chat request to the appropriate operator/agent or department based on specific criteria.

How can this be helpful?

Connecting your prospects and customers to the right operator can drastically impact your sales and customer satisfaction. An operator with the right expertise based on the visitors' questions can immediately provide a faster solution without the requirement of chat transfers and delays.

Here are some other ways chat routing can help your business:

  1. Better customer satisfaction
  2. Faster resolutions
  3. Avoid chat transfers
  4. Reduces operator workload

What feature can I pair this with?

To obtain better results with the chat routing feature, you can pair it with the following set of SalesIQ tools:

  1. CRM - Route contacts to their CRM owners or use their CRM data for better routing.
  2. Campaign - Route prospects to the right department based on their campaign information.

Refer to our Chat routing help guide for in-depth information.

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