Avoid unanswered calls or email with Best time to Contact suggestions by Zia.

The one most critical but frustrating job in the daily routine of any sales rep is calling contacts and actually being able to talk to them. But getting hold of them in the first place is a real challenge in itself. Well, that's not going to be the case if you are using Zoho CRM.

With Best time to Contact suggestions by Zia, reps can now be aware of the right time to reach your contacts. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Zia lets you know of the best time to call or email a contact. How?

Zia suggests best times based on actions performed by your contacts, like say when they visit your website and leave a chat or attend your call or open your email. The system automatically captures the time stamp of such actions and smartly suggests a few timings for each day of the week during when the contact is most active with regard to your communication. The chances of reaching your contacts become higher, when you go by these suggested timings.

So go to your Activities tab and edit your Open Activities view to include Best time to Contact column. Make sure to plan your day around these suggestions, and you can save a lot of your time. 


You can also view the Best time to contact suggestions in Zoho CRM in the following pages:

  • Record detail view
  • Task detail view
  • Task creation
  • Quick Create Call/Task
  • Reschedule Call
  • Send Email window

Remember that when your system is integrated with other apps for email, calls, social, etc., these Best time to contact suggestions become more accurate. 


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