The bot is designed to knock off your monotonous sales grind. It helps you scrutinize and filter probable prospects from the junk leads hitting your site, and also supports the existing customers.

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Bot Requirements:

  • Initiate chat/ Trigger a welcome message.
  • Displays the list of departments available for support.
  • Schedule meetings/calls using Calendar widgets.
  • Send emails to visitors who want to be notified about updates
  • Forward visitor chats to corresponding departments.

Zobot Capabilities:

It can collect visitor details and connect the visitors on your website to the different departments available inside your organization based on the type of problem they're facing.

  • Live Chat Transfer: Your prospects can ask the bot to transfer their chats to one of the support representatives of your organization at any time. The Zobot provides an option to do so inside the chat window itself.
  • Schedules meetings: The Zobot can get your visitors' company details and preferred time slots and fix meetings for them with operators of your organization.
  • Keep prospects updated: The Zobot captures the prospects' information like name and email address, and based on the requirements, it updates prospects as and when there are updates on the products/services that you offer.

Bot flow:


How to create this bot?

  • Navigate to Settings > Zobot > Create bot. Add a name, description, choose the website and preferred departments.
  • Set trigger criteria and enable business hours and operator handoff based on your requirements.
  • Now, copy the code and paste it inside each handler- Trigger, Message, and Context.
  • Save and Publish each handler separately and then publish the bot.