
This API is used to get a list of all support chats created by a visitor with an additional option to provide a status filter. The API returns a list of instances of the SIQChat class which contains information for each support chat.


chatStatusSIQChatStatusThe type of chats to be returned as result to the API invocation.

SIQChat class contains the following properties:

idStringID of the chat
questionStringThe question with which the chat was initiated
attenderNameStringName of the chat attender
attenderEmailStringEmail of the chat attender
attenderIDStringID of the chat attender
departmentNameStringName of the department to which the chat is associated
feedbackStringFeedback provided for the chat
lastMessageStringLast message in the chat
statusSIQChatStatusThe status of the chat
ratingStringRating given for the chat
unreadCountintUnread message count for the chat
isBotAttenderboolFlag to check if the last chat was attended by a bot
lastMessageSenderStringName of the last message sender
lastMessageTimeDateTimeTime of the last message in chat
queuePositionintPosition of the chat in current queue

SIQChatStatus is an Enumerated type used to represent the type of chat. A chat can have the following status values:

SIQChatStatus.openList of all open chats.
SIQChatStatus.connectedList of all connected chats.
SIQChatStatus.waitingList of all chats yet to be picked up by an operator.
SIQChatStatus.closedList of all closed chats.
SIQChatStatus.missedList of all missed chats.
SIQChatStatus.endedList of all ended chats

Error handling:

605mobilisten disabled



  // your code goes here
  // your code to handle errors