Happiness Rating

This card can be used to get the visitors' ratings with smiles.

typeYesThe type of input to be displayed to the visitorhappiness-rating

If you would like to handle the smileys using code, use the values below:

  • :rating-angry:
  • :rating-sad:
  • :rating-neutral:
  • :rating-happy:
  • :rating-excited:
3 / 5
set_conversation_ratingNoTo update the feedback on the Feedback sessionstrue/false

Note: The ratings will not be updated for the transferred and missed chats. 

Channel compatibility and limitations


Facebook Messenger:

  • The card is supported on Facebook. 
  • The users would get the ratings as single select options. They can choose an option to provide the rating. 


  • The card is supported on Instagram. 
  • When using this card, the users would get the ratings as single select options. They can choose an option to provide the rating. 


  • The card is supported on WhatsApp. 
  • When using this card, the rating will be given in the list format or single select options.
  • If the rating number equals 3, all ratings will be listed as single select options.
  • When the rating exceeds 3, all 5 ratings will be displayed in the list format. 


  • The card is supported on Telegram. 
  • When using this card, the users would get the ratings as single select options. They can choose an option to provide the rating. 



Use Case

  "type": "happiness-rating",
  "level": "5",
  //Key for updating the rating in feedback section
Copied//Context handler function
result = Map();
response = Map();
response.put("action", "reply");
response.put("replies", [
    "Please rate us :)"
response.put("input", {
    "type": "happiness-rating",
    "level": "3"
prompt = Map();
prompt.put("param_name", "rating");
prompt.put("data", response);
result.put("prompt", prompt);
result.put("todo", "prompt");
return result;

//Execution function
result = Map();
response = Map();
response.put("action", "reply");
response.put("replies", {
    "Please rate us"
response.put("input", {
    "type": "happiness-rating",
    "level": "3"
result.put("data", response);
return result;
  "type": "happiness-rating",
  "level": "5",
  //Key for updating the rating in feedback section
  "platform": "ZOHOSALESIQ",
  "replies": [
      "Your order is successfully placed, you will be getting an order confirmation mail shortly. Would you mind rating my service ?"
  "input": {
    "type": "happiness-rating",
    "level": "5"
    //Key for updating the rating in the feedback section
Copied"user_defined": {
  "zohosalesiq": {
    "replies": [
      "Your order is successfully placed, you will be getting an order confirmation mail shortly. Would you mind rating my service ?"
    "input": {
      "type": "happiness-rating",
      "level": "5"
       //Key for updating the rating in the feedback section
Copied"channelData": {
        "zohosalesiq": {
            "input": {
             "type": "happiness-rating",
             "level": "5"
              //Key for updating the rating in the feedback section
           "replies":[{"Your order is successfully placed, you will be getting an order confirmation mail shortly. Would you mind rating my service ?"]}