
This action allows the bot to behave like an Answer bot. It displays articles and FAQs based on the visitor's questions. There are three different syntaxes available for the different use cases, which you can select based on the requirement.

Channel compatibility


Note: The auto_pilot action is only available for the enterprise plan.

Syntax 1: Default auto_pilot

  • By default, the auto_pilot action behaves according to the answer bot configured under the respective brand. 

Syntax 2: Changing the follow-up action of auto_pilot 

  • Small talk ID can be changed. By default, the default small talk package will be invoked. 
  • There are two cases, 
    • Answer found - If the bot knows the answer to a visitor query, it picks the right article or FAQ and displays it. It is an Answer found case.
    • Answer not found - If the bot does not know the answer to a visitor query and does not find any matching articles or FAQs, it is an Answer not found case.
  • The response text and follow-up actions (behave like suggestions) can be altered for both cases based on the requirement. 
  • The autopilot action will exit only when the visitor selects follow-up actions, until then the autopilot action will continue.

Note: There is no limit for follow-up actions, you can add based on your requirements. 

Here, the (Custom action 0,1,2) are the follow-up actions.

Syntax 3: Changing the response configuration of auto_pilot 

  • The resource, small talk, and all individual configurations of auto_pilot action can be altered by using this syntax defining them separately. 
  • Only the answer bot follow-up actions will be available here (Connect to Operator, End chat, Leave a message) along with another action to exit auto_pilot action and continue the zobot flow. 
  • The fallbacks for follow-up actions can also be configured using this syntax.

Here, the autopilot action will end only when the visitor clicks on "Exit AI Bot" which is the exit case. 

Points to be remembered: 

  • The bot will use these resources to answer visitor queries. You can either choose FAQs or Articles or both.
  • You need to have a considerable amount of resources (FAQs, Articles) to improve the bot replies' efficiency. We recommend having a minimum of 50 resources in each category. The more the resources, the more powerful your bot will be.
  • Small talk is a collection of possible informal phrases that a visitor can send during a conversation and the corresponding responses that the bot can give. 


Syntax 1 : Default auto_pilot

  "replies": [
    "Please post your question, I'll help you out"
  "action" : "auto_pilot"

Syntax 2 : Changing the follow-up action of auto_pilot

  "replies": [
    "Please post your question, I'll help you out"
  "action": "auto_pilot",
  "dynamic_config": true,
  "resources": [
  "smalltalk": {
    "id": "111484000000641041"
  "answer_found": {
    "text": [
      "Answer found"
    "followup_actions": [
      "Custom action 0",
      "Custom action 1",
      "Custom action 2"
  "answer_not_found": {
    "text": [
      "Answer not found"
    "followup_actions": [
      "Custom action 0",
      "Custom action 1",
      "Custom action 2"
    "resource_suggestion": {
      "enabled": true,
      "text": "Resource suggestions"

Syntax 3 : Changing the response configuration of auto_pilot

  "replies": [
    "Please post your question, I'll help you out"
  "action": "auto_pilot",
  "resources": [
  "smalltalkpack_id": "111484000000641041",
  "autopilot_config": {
    "match": {
      "text": [
        "Here are some articles to answer your question!"
      "user_actions": {
        "enabled": true,
        "forward": {
          "enabled": true,
          "response": "Connecting you to a support executive…",
          "text": "Connect with a support representative!"
        "end": {
          "enabled": true,
          "response": "I'm ending the chat now. Thank you for contacting us!",
          "text": "End chat"
        "operator_busy": {
          "enabled": true,
          "response": "Please leave your message below. Our support executives will get back to you ASAP. Have a great day!",
          "text": "Leave a message"
        "exit": {
          "enabled": true,
          "text": "Exit AI Bot"
    "no_match": {
      "text": [
        "No match text"
      "user_actions": {
        "enabled": true,
        "forward": {
          "enabled": true,
          "response": "no_match forward response",
          "text": "no_match forward text"
        "exit": {
          "enabled": true,
          "text": "Exit AI Bot"
        "operator_busy": {
          "enabled": true,
          "response": "no_match operator_busy response",
          "text": "no_match operator_busy text"
        "end": {
          "enabled": true,
          "response": "I'm ending the chat now. Thank you for contacting us!",
          "text": "End chat"
      "resource_suggestion": {
        "enabled": true,
        "text": [
          "Here are some related suggestions that might help!"
    "failure_handler": {
      "enabled": true,
      "non_businesshours": {
        "enabled": true,
        "text": "non-business hour text",
        "user_actions": {
          "enabled": true,
          "operator_busy": {
            "enabled": true,
            "response": "failure_handler operator_busy response",
            "text": "failure_handler operator_busy text"
          "continue": {
            "enabled": true,
            "response": "failure_handler continue response",
            "text": "failure_handler continue text"
      "operator_busy": {
        "enabled": true,
        "text": "operator_busy text",
        "user_actions": {
          "enabled": true,
          "operator_busy": {
            "enabled": true,
            "response": "operator_busy response",
            "text": "operator_busy text"
          "continue": {
            "enabled": true,
            "response": "continue response",
            "text": "continue text"