Introducing in-chat help articles and chat routing in Zoho SalesIQ

SIQ articles and chat routing

How often do you have to repeat what can otherwise be found in your knowledge base? A hundred times a day? Maybe more? How often do you have to redirect customers to your help articles?

Well, it’s gotten so much simpler. What if you could have a complete knowledge base inside your chat window?


Now you have just that: Zoho SalesIQ has a new section called Templates. Under this section, you can add customer FAQs and knowledge base articles which your customers can access right from their chat window—a simple self-service support portal. Not only does this make it convenient for customers to get quick help for the simplest of questions, but it also considerably reduces chat volume, especially that of very basic/simple/tier 1 inquiries which do not require the time and attention of busy chat operators.

In-chat FAQs

Here’s how this customer self-service feature within your chat can be useful:

  • You can associate each question or help article with a department. This way you can restrict certain topics to chat embeds in that department alone. It’s also possible to categorize your articles into different topics to help customers find their answers with a couple of clicks.

FAQ departments

  • Your customers can use a simple search bar in the FAQ section to key in a search term and find exactly what they want with no hassle.

FAQ search bar


  • Both you and your visitors/customers can see reports on your articles. These reports display how many views, chats initiated, likes, and dislikes each of your articles have received. This is vital feedback that can help you improve your articles in the future.

Help articles

Route chats to the most qualified operators 

Yet another new feature we’ve added is visitor chat routing. As the name suggests, you can choose to automatically assign incoming chats to:

  • Specific operators who may be the most qualified to take up a particular chat
  • Operators in the most relevant department
  • Operators with the lowest chat queue/load
  • Last chat operator who contacted that particular visitor

Visitor chat routing

Go on and explore the new features.

Happy selling!


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