Establish a fool-proof recruitment strategy

Only when you measure your recruitment outcomes will you be able to understand how to consistently improve your hiring process. With hiring metrics, you can identify process inefficiencies and make informed decisions to improve your overall recruitment strategy. This can help you save both time and money long term, as well as improve the quality of hire metrics.

Establish a fool-proof recruitment strategy
Establish a fool-proof recruitment strategy

Zoho Recruit's reports and advanced analytics

On top of helping you track various talent acquisition metrics, Zoho Recruit gives you reports that enable you to draw deeper insights from your data. You also have the option to create custom reports with specific datasets as per your unique requirements.

Establish a fool-proof recruitment strategy
Establish a fool-proof recruitment strategy

Set benchmarks for new hires

Get a better idea about what you should be looking for in your new hire by finding top performers in your organization and identifying the skills and qualities that make them special.

Set benchmarks for new hires

Best practices for collecting and analyzing recruitment KPIs

  • Define the talent acquisition KPIs that you want to track.
  • Set benchmarks with industry standards.
  • Collect and analyze the entire recruitment lifecycle.
  • Gather data accurately and consistently.
  • Organize data in a decipherable manner.
  • Gather enough data to identify patterns.

Eliminate the guesswork with Zoho Recruit's three vital datasets

  • Time metrics
  • Pipeline metrics
  • Diversity metrics

Time metrics

The best candidates are off the market in 10 days. Tracking time metrics can help you identify where your recruitment process is stalling and make necessary changes.

Establish a fool-proof recruitment strategy

Pipeline metrics

A faster recruitment process does not always translate to an efficient recruitment process. Pipeline metrics can help you understand the effectiveness of your candidate outreach and improve your quality of hire.

Time in Stage


Application frequency rate


Offer Acceptance Rate


Sourcing summary


Break down your recruitment pipeline into stages and review each of them to optimize your entire process.

Get an overview of the number of applications that you receive for each job opening, understand why certain jobs are performing better, and apply the better strategy across all jobs.

Make a strong offer by understanding which offers are more appealing to candidates and assess the overall efficiency of your recruitment process.

Get a great ROI on your recruitment process by deriving insights on sourcing channel effectiveness and attracting more top quality candidates.

Time metrics
Time metrics
Time metrics
Time metrics

Diversity metrics

A diverse workforce generates more creative ideas and has a significant impact on business outcomes.

Gender demographics


Race demographics


The gender demographic of your workforce says a lot about your employer brand and your organization's commitment to providing equal opportunities for candidates.

Creating a workforce with people from varying ethnicities and backgrounds can bring exciting ideas to the table and foster a highly inclusive workplace culture.

Time metrics
Time metrics

Put your Zoho Recruit data to work

There are numerous ways to use the data that you have collected during the recruitment process, and each organization has a unique way of defining and interpreting them. Here are some examples on how you can make use of the data from Zoho Recruit.

Cost per hire

The cost per hire formula can help you get a better idea of how much money you spend on each hire, as well as how to optimize it.

Cost per hire
Total internal expenses + Total external expenses

Total number of hires

Source quality

This can give you an objective view on what channels give you the most, high-quality applicants.

Source quality
Number of hires made through one channel

Number of applications received from that channel

Pass through rate

Identify issues with different stages in your recruitment process by understanding how many candidates move from one stage to the next in the hiring process.

Pass through rate
Number of applicants who move to the next stage of the recruitment process
x 100

Total number of applicants

Offer acceptance rate

This helps you understand how attractive your offers are and find ways to make them better.

Offer acceptance rate
Total number of offers accepted

Total number of offers made

Applicant drop off rate

This can help you identify if you are losing candidates because of how simple or complex your application process is.

Applicant drop off rate
Number of candidates who started filling their application

Total number of offers made

Benefits of using recruitment metrics

  • Build a more cost- and time-effective hiring strategy.
  • Improve candidate experience.
  • Identify and resolve bottlenecks in your hiring process.
  • Identify propitious qualities of top performers and set recruiting benchmarks for candidates.
  • Improve quality of hire.
  • Analyze the quality and quantity of applicants from different sourcing channels and know where to focus your recruitment efforts.
  • Set diversity goals and follow through.
  • Get a competitive advantage in the talent market.