Get Records through a COQL Query


To get records from the module through a COQL query.

Request URL

Request Method


Although you "get" records from the module, the HTTP method is POST as you "post" the query. Refer CRM Object Query Language(COQL) - An Overview to learn how to construct a COQL query.



Possible module namesPossible operation types
leads, accounts, contacts, deals, campaigns, tasks, cases, events, calls, solutions, products, vendors, pricebooks, quotes, salesorders, purchaseorders, invoices, and customALL - Full data access
READ - Get module data

Request JSON

AttributeData TypeDescription
select_queryJSON keyRepresents that the input is a select query. This is a mandatory key.

Fields and Allowed Comparators in the Select Query

Field TypeAllowed COQL Comparators
Text=, !=, like(used for starts_with, ends_with, contains), not like(used for not_contains), in, not in, is null, is not null
Lookup=, !=, in, not in, is null, is not null
Note: When you query a lookup field, the response only contains the ID of the field. To get the name of the field, you must include the field_API_name in the query. Sample: "select Account_Name, Account_Name.Account_Name from Contacts where Last_Name='Boyle'"
Here, Account_Name returns the ID of the account and Account_Name.Account_Name returns the account name of the account that the contact is associated with.
PickList=, !=, like(used for starts_with, ends_with, contains), not like(used for not_contains), in, not in, is null, is not null
Date=, !=, >=, >, <=, <, between, not between, in, not in, is null, is not null
DateTime=, !=, >=, >, <=, <, between, not between, in, not in, is null, is not null
Number=, !=, >=, >, <=, <, between, not between, in, not in, is null, is not null
Currency=, !=, >=, >, <=, <, between, not between, in, not in, is null, is not null
Multi-Select PickList=, !=, like(used for starts_with, ends_with, contains), not like(used for not_contains), in, not in, is null, is not null

Sample input and response for each field type is included in the right pane of this page.

Possible Errors

HTTP StatusError CodeMessageReason
error occurred while parsing the query
  • The query does not contain proper criteria

  • The query does not contain the base table

  • The request does not have the where clause

missing clauseThe query does not have the from clause
given coql query not supportedThe request contains a query other than select.
Example: "select_query" : "update Leads set Last_Name = 'Last' where id = 12356"
select columns limit exceededThe select column(field_API_names) limit has exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 50
limit exceededThe value of limit clause has exceeded the maximum limit of 200.
Example: limit 500
column given seems to be invalidThe query contains an invalid column name(field_API_name).
Example: "select Last_Name, Testing from Leads where Last_Name is not null"
data type not supportedThe query contains unsupported data type.
Example: "select Last_Name, Contacts from Leads where Last_Name is not null"
Here, Contacts is a multi-select lookup field and not supported in COQL.
value given seems to be invalid for the columnThe data type of the value of the select column is invalid.
Example: "select_query" : "select Last_Name from Leads where Last_Name is not null and No_of_Employees = 'adfkahfd'"
Here, the expected data type for No_of_Employees is a number, whereas the value given is a string.
invalid operator foundThe query contains an invalid operator
Example: "select_query" : "select Last_Name from Leads where Last_Name is not null and Last_Name >= 'adfkahfd'"
invalid oauth scope to access this URLUser does not have the required scope to access the module
duplicate dataThe query contains duplicate select columns(field_API_names).
Example: "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Created_Time, Full_Name from Contacts where Lead_Source = Advertisement limit 2"
Here, the query contains Full_Name twice.
  • You can only use Select query in COQL to fetch records from a module.

  • You can only use two relations(joins) in a select query. If you include more than two relations, the system validates only the last two relations.

  • By default, system sorts the records in ascending order based on the record ID, if you do not include order by in the query.

  • The default value for OFFSET is 0 i.e., the system does not skip fetching any record.

  • Refer COQL Limitations for more details.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-d "@input.json"

In the request, @input.json contains the sample input data.
The request remains the same for all types of inputs.

Sample Input

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name
                  from Contacts 
                  where Last_Name = 'Boyle' and First_Name is not null limit 2"

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "id": "554023000000310003"
            "First_Name": "Steve",
            "Full_Name": "Steve Boyle",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "id": "554023000000310012"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With Single relation(join)

 "select_query": "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Account_Name
                  from Contacts
                  where (((Last_Name = 'Boyle') and (First_Name is not null)) and (Account_Name.Account_Name = 'Zylker'))
                  limit 2"

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Vendor_Name": {
                "id": "554023000000310037"
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "Account_Name.Account_Name": "Zylker",
            "Account_Name": {
                "id": "554023000000238116"
            "id": "554023000000310003"
    "info": {
        "count": 1,
        "more_records": true

Sample Input: With two relations(joins)

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, Account_Name.Parent_Account, Account_Name.Parent_Account.Account_Name
                  from Contacts
                  where Last_Name is not null and Account_Name.Parent_Account.Account_Name is not null"

In this query, two joins are established using the lookup field Account_Name in the Contacts module and another lookup field Parent_Account in the Accounts module. Here, the relation Account_Name.Parent_Account returns the ID of the parent account of the account associated with the contact. The relation Account_Name.Parent_Account.Account_Name returns the name of the parent account of the account associated with the contact.

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "Account_Name.Parent_Account.Account_Name": "Zylker",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "Account_Name.Parent_Account": {
                "id": "554023000000238121"
            "id": "554023000000310003"
            "Account_Name.Parent_Account.Account_Name": "Zylker",
            "Last_Name": "Patricia",
            "Account_Name.Parent_Account": {
                "id": "554023000000238121"
            "id": "554023000000310012"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With Date and DateTime Fields

 "select_query": "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Created_Time, Date_1
                  from Contacts
                  where Created_Time = '2019-03-11T10:33:32+05:30' and Date_1 = '2019-03-11'
                  limit 2"

This query fetches records from the Contacts module that were created on the specified date and at the specified time. Here, Date_1 is a custom field whose data type is Date.

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "Created_Time": "2019-03-11T10:33:32+05:30",
            "id": "554023000000310012",
            "Date_1": "2019-03-11"
    "info": {
        "count": 1,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With Date and DateTime Range

 "select_query": "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Created_Time, Date_1
                  from Contacts
                  where Created_Time between '2019-03-03T00:00:01+05:30' and '2019-03-11T23:59:59+05:30' and
                  Date_1 between '2019-03-04' and '2019-03-11' limit 2"

This query fetches records from the Contacts module that were created between the specified dates and in the specified time
range. The operator BETWEEN is used in the WHERE clause while specifying a range.
Here, Date_1 is a custom field whose data type is Date.

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": null,
            "Full_Name": "Last_Name1",
            "Last_Name": "Last_Name1",
            "Created_Time": "2019-03-04T11:52:26+05:30",
            "id": "554023000000298013",
            "Date_created": "2019-03-04"
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "Created_Time": "2019-03-11T10:30:13+05:30",
            "id": "554023000000310003",
            "Date_created": "2019-03-11"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": true

Sample Input: With Pick List and Multi-Select Pick List

 "select_query": "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Created_Time, Date_1, Lead_Source, Languages_Known
                  from Contacts
                  where (((First_Name is  not null) and (Lead_Source = Advertisement)) and Languages_Known = 'English;German')
                  limit 2"

In this query, Lead_Source is a Pick List and Languages_known is a custom multi-select pick list field. The query returns the name of the contact that contains the mentioned value in the Lead_Source pick list and the specified languages in the Languages_Known multi-select pick list.

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "Created_Time": "2019-03-11T10:30:13+05:30",
            "Languages_Known": [
            "Lead_Source": "Advertisement",
            "id": "554023000000310003",
            "Date_created": "2019-03-11"
            "First_Name": "Steve",
            "Full_Name": "Steve Boyle",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "Created_Time": "2019-03-11T10:33:32+05:30",
            "Languages_Known": [
            "Lead_Source": "Advertisement",
            "id": "554023000000310012",
            "Date_created": "2019-03-11"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With User/Owner Lookup Field

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Owner
                  from Contacts
                  where Last_Name = 'Boyle' and Owner = '554023000000235011'
                  limit 3"

In this query, Owner is the lookup field in the Contacts module. This query fetches records from the contacts module with the specified last name and whose owner id is 554023000000235011.

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Owner": {
                "id": "554023000000235011"
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "id": "554023000000310003"
    "info": {
        "count": 1,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With Number Field

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, No_of_Employees
                  from Contacts
                  where No_of_Employees between 0 and 100
                  limit 2"

In this query, No_of_Employees is the Number field.

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": null,
            "Full_Name": "Last_Name1",
            "Last_Name": "Last_Name1",
            "id": "554023000000298013",
            "No_of_Employees": 100
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "id": "554023000000310003",
            "No_of_Employees": 60
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With Currency Field

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Currency_1
                  from Contacts
                  where Currency_1 between 100 and 1000000
                  limit 2"

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": null,
            "Full_Name": "Last_Name1",
            "Currency_1": "100",
            "Last_Name": "Last_Name1",
            "id": "554023000000298003"
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Currency_1": "1000000",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "id": "554023000000310003"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With Boolean Field

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Checkbox_1
                  from Contacts
                  where Checkbox_1 = 'true'
                  limit 2"

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Patricia",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia Boyle",
            "Checkbox_1": true,
            "Last_Name": "Boyle",
            "id": "554023000000310003"
    "info": {
        "count": 1,
        "more_records": false

Sample Input: With Lookup Field

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Associated_Contacts
                  from Leads
                  where Associated_Contacts in ('554023000000316022', '554023000000310003')
                  limit 2"

In this query, Associated_Contacts is the lookup field in the Leads module.

Sample Reponse

    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Patricia1",
            "Full_Name": "Patricia1 Boyle1",
            "Last_Name": "Boyle1",
            "id": "554023000000322019",
            "Associated_Contacts": {
                "id": "554023000000316022"
            "First_Name": null,
            "Full_Name": "Lead_1",
            "Last_Name": "Lead_1",
            "id": "554023000000322097",
            "Associated_Contacts": {
                "id": "554023000000310003"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": false