Events API



Use the ALL operation to gain the scope for all the other operations like READ, CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE at once.

All Events
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/
Add Event
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/
Update Event
POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/[EVENTID]/
Delete Event
DELETE  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/[EVENTID]/

 All Events

Gets all the events in the given project.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/


Request Parameters

indexintIndex number of the event.
rangeintRange of the events.
status*StringStatus of the event must be open or closed.

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "events": [{
        "id": 170876000001825009,
        "title": "Finance Team Meeting",
        "location": "",
        "scheduled_on": "05-10-2014 04:30 PM",
        "scheduled_on_long": 1399719600000,
        "reminder": "on time",
        "repeat": "only once",
        "occurrence(s)": 1,
        "occurred": 0,
        "duration_hour": "1",
        "duration_minutes": "30",
        "is_open": false,
        "participants": [{
            "participant_id": "2060559",
            "participant_person": "Jasmine Frank"
        }, {
            "participant_id": "2060755",
            "participant_person": "Manish Patel"
        }, {
            "participant_id": "2060761",
            "participant_person": "Einhard Klein"

 Add Event

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/


Request Parameters

title*StringName of the event.
date*String [MM-DD-YYYY]Date of the event.
hour*String [hh]Hour of the event.
minutes*String [mm]Minutes of the event.
ampm*Stringam or pm of the event.
duration_hour*String [hh]Duration of the event in hours.
duration_mins*String [mm]Duration of the event in minutes.
participants*LongParticipants of the event. Multiple participants must be provided with comma separated user ID's.
remind_beforeStringReminder for the event. The reminder must be triggered to remind on time or 15 mins or 30 mins or 1 hour or 2 hours or 6 hours or 12 hours or 1 day.
repeatStringReminder occurrences for the event. It must be only once or every day or every week or every month or every year.
nooftimes_repeatStringCount of the reminder occurrence. It must be an integer value between 2 to 10.
locationStringLocation of the event.

Sample Response

Status: 201 Created

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "events": [{
        "id": 170876000001851033,
        "title": "Discussion with Developers",
        "location": "",
        "scheduled_on": "05-27-2014 02:30 AM",
        "scheduled_on_long": 1401138000000,
        "reminder": "on time",
        "repeat": "only once",
        "occurrence(s)": 1,
        "occurred": 0,
        "duration_hour": "2",
        "duration_minutes": "30",
        "is_open": false,
        "participants": [{
            "participant_id": "2060559",
            "participant_person": "Jasmine Frank"
        }, {
            "participant_id": "2060758",
            "participant_person": "Patricia Boyle"
        }, {
            "participant_id": "2063348",
            "participant_person": "Charles Stone"

 Update Event

POST  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/[EVENTID]/


Request Parameters

title*StringName of the event.
date*String [MM-DD-YYYY]Date of the event.
hour*String [hh]Hour of the event.
minutes*String [mm]Minutes of the event.
ampm*Stringam or pm of the event.
duration_hour*String [hh]Duration of the event in hours.
duration_mins*String [mm]Duration of the event in minutes.
participants*LongParticipants of the event. Multiple participants must be provided with comma separated user ID's.
remind_beforeStringReminder for the event. The reminder must be triggered to remind on time or 15 mins or 30 mins or 1 hour or 2 hours or 6 hours or 12 hours or 1 day.
repeatStringReminder occurrences for the event. It must be only once or every day or every week or every month or every year.
nooftimes_repeatStringCount of the reminder occurrence. It must be an integer value between 2 to 10.
locationStringLocation of the event.

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "events": [{
        "id": 170876000001851033,
        "title": "Discussion with Developers",
        "location": "Conf. Room",
        "scheduled_on": "05-27-2014 01:30 PM",
        "scheduled_on_long": 1401177600000,
        "reminder": "on time",
        "repeat": "only once",
        "occurrence(s)": 1,
        "occurred": 0,
        "duration_hour": "2",
        "duration_minutes": "00",
        "is_open": true,
        "participants": [{
            "participant_id": "2060559",
            "participant_person": "Jasmine Frank"
        }, {
            "participant_id": "2060758",
            "participant_person": "Patricia Boyle"
        }, {
            "participant_id": "2063348",
            "participant_person": "Charles Stone"

 Delete Event

DELETE /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/events/[EVENTID]/


Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "response": "Event Deleted Successfully"