Dashboard API

Project Activities
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/activities/
Project Status
GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/statuses/
Add Project Status
POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/statuses/

 Project Activities

List all the recent activities of the project.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/activities/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.activities.READ

Request Parameters

indexintIndex number of the project activity.
rangeintRange of the project activities.

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "activities": [{
        "id": 170876000001818011,
        "state": "new",
        "activity_for": "Status ",
        "name": "Release Documents for Build 4.0",
        "activity_by": "Patricia Boyle",
        "time_long": 1399484977669,
        "display_time": "May 7",
        "time": "05-07-2014 03:19 PM"
    }, {
        "id": 170876000001818005,
        "state": "new",
        "activity_for": "Status ",
        "name": "Release for 4.0",
        "activity_by": "Patricia Boyle",
        "time_long": 1399484914215,
        "display_time": "May 7",
        "time": "05-07-2014 03:18 PM"
    }, {
        "id": 170876000001752035,
        "state": "add",
        "activity_for": "Document comment",
        "name": "Looks good!",
        "activity_by": "Charles Stone",
        "time_long": 1397229994337,
        "display_time": "April 11",
        "time": "04-11-2014 12:56 PM"

 Project Status

Gets the statuses for the given project.

GET  /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/statuses/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.status.READ

Request Parameters

indexintIndex number of the project status.
rangeintRange of the project statuses.

Sample Response

Status: 200 Success

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "statuses": [{
        "id": 170876000001818007,
        "content": "Release Documents for Build 4.0",
        "posted_by": "2060758",
        "posted_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "posted_time": "05-07-2014 03:19 PM",
        "posted_time_long": 1399484977656
    }, {
        "id": 170876000001818001,
        "content": "Release for 4.0",
        "posted_by": "2060758",
        "posted_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "posted_time": "05-07-2014 03:18 PM",
        "posted_time_long": 1399484914182
    }, {
        "id": 170876000000765051,
        "content": "Team post your design ideas along with samples to view",
        "posted_by": "2060758",
        "posted_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "posted_time": "10-22-2012 06:26 PM",
        "posted_time_long": 1350939385231

 Add Project Status

Adds a new status for the given project.

POST /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/statuses/

Scope: ZohoBugTracker.status.CREATE

Request Parameters

content*StringStatus of the project.

Sample Response

Status: 201 Created

Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "statuses": [{
        "id": 170876000001849015,
        "content": "Build Awaiting Alpha Test",
        "posted_by": "2060758",
        "posted_person": "Patricia Boyle",
        "posted_time": "05-26-2014 11:28 AM",
        "posted_time_long": 1401112726593