Your Training Management System

Technology is changing every day. Train your talent to be ready for the future with Zoho People.

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Why use a TMS?

Create a centralized knowledge base

Get training insights

Use resources more effectively

Save time, money, and hassle

Proactively identify performance gaps

What is a corporate Training Management System?

A Training Management System (TMS) is designed to be a central control point for your entire organization's training program. With a corporate TMS, you can create, distribute, and manage employee training, allowing for accelerated learning and a happier workforce.

What can Zoho People do as your TMS?


Multi-purpose training

No matter what you need it for, Zoho People allows for a state-of-the art training experience. From compliance and onboarding to skill training and career development, you can create purpose-driven courses for any job role, location, or department.


One HRMS, one training solution

Monitor the skills and performance of each team member with Zoho People's analytics. You can then suggest relevant courses to employees and track their progress with our integrated performance and training modules.

Self-paced and blended learning styles

Some training programs require instructors while others can be self-guided. You can now create training courses using both styles, giving employees a hassle-free training experience that matches their individualized needs.


Engaging training sessions

With Zoho People, you can create engaging content with videos and online materials. Connect your employees with trainers virtually, thanks to the built-in integration with Zoho Meeting. On top of this, learners and trainers can participate in forum discussions, analyze topics in detail, and collaborate with peers.

Proactive decision making

Better strategize your workforce training programs with our insightful analytics. Analyze the performance of each course, learner, trainer, and more. Gather data, identify skill gaps, and improve the skill sets of your employees and teams.


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Train and nurture your talent with a corporate TMS.

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