Get more for your friends and yourself!
You get  5 bonus users for every friend that signs up

How it works

  • Share the email addresses of your friends
    Share the email addresses of your friends
  • We send them an invite to sign up to Zoho People
    We send them an invite to sign up to Zoho People
  • When they sign up for one of the paid plans, you both get 5 bonus users.
    When they sign up for one of the paid plans, you both get 5 bonus users

Frequently asked questions

  • How would you keep a tab of the referrals I have given and award me?

    Our database keeps a record of the friends you have referred along with their email. Newly signed-up users are screened on the database for a match to existing users who have referred their friends. If there's a match, you win and you will be informed, definitely. You can then add 5 more users.

  • What happens if I downgrade?

    If you downgrade to a lower priced plan, your bonus users remain intact. For example, if you downgrade to a 10 user plan i.e. the Basic plan, the total number of users you will have is 10 users + 5 bonus users = 15 users. However, if you downgrade to the free plan, you will be limited to the number of users on the Free Plan, thereby forfeiting the bonus users.

  • How many friends can I refer? Is there a limit to the number of bonus users I can get?

    You can refer as many friends as you like. There are no limits to the number of bonus users you can get.

  • Do I get 5 bonus user on any plan?

    You get the bonus users if you are on any of our paid plans and if your friend signs up with any of our paid plans. Check out all the plans here