Getting Started

In order to make use of the Zoho Office Integrator, partners and businesses need to first "create a free Zoho account" and then proceed to "obtain an API key".

The API key uniquely identifies the application in which you integrate Zoho Office Suite and is associated with your Zoho Account.

The API key is mandatory and needs to be passed as a parameter in every request for opening/editing documents in Zoho's Office Editors - Writer, Sheet, Show.

We use the API key to track usage of various applications and generate reports based on them. Each partner application that has Zoho Office Editors integrated should have a separate Zoho account and a unique API key associated with it.

API Endpoint:<service_name>/officeapi/v1

You must use your domain-specific API endpoint to access of our Rest APIs. The following are the various domains and their corresponding API endpoints.

  • For US:

  • For EU:

  • For IN:

  • For CN:

  • For AU:

  • For JP: