GET - All personal Tasks
This API is used to retrieve all your personal tasks.
Request URL
Request Body (JSON Object)
Parameter | Data Type | Allowed Values | Description |
limit | Integer | 1 - 499 (default - 20) | The number of tasks that you would like to retrieve |
from | Integer | 1 - number of tasks available | The task number from which retrieval has to be done For eg: If you want to retrieve tasks starting from the 50th task to the 70th task, the 'from' value should be 50, and the 'limit' value should be 20. |
* - Mandatory parameters
Response Codes
Please refer Response Codes.
Sample Request
Sample Response
"status": {
"code": 200,
"description": "success"
"data": {
"paging": {
"nextPage": "/api/tasks/me?from=1&limit=1"
"tasks": [
"owner": {
"name": "Rebecca",
"id": 42522589
"numberOfSubtasks": 0,
"modifiedTime": "2018-10-30T15:36:27+05:30",
"attachments": [],
"subtasks": [],
"dueDate": "30/10/2018",
"description": "Blog posts and announcements for the release",
"project": {
"name": "Blogging",
"id": "4497000000053001"
"title": "Revamp Announcements",
"priority": "Normal",
"tags": [],
"createdAt": "2018-10-25T13:36:51+05:30",
"followers": [],
"namespaceId": "42522589",
"id": "4497000001134001",
"assignee": {
"name": "Paula M",
"id": 42522589
"status": "In Progress"