Get contact details


This command is used to get the details of a particular contact.

Request URL 

Using email address

clientsdk.get(["contactInfo", {eid: " "}]).then(res=>{ console.log(res) })

Using ZUID 

clientsdk.get(["contactInfo", {zuid: ""}]).then(res=>{ console.log(res) })

Response Parameters

chatTrue/ False is returned based on whether a chat history exists with the contact
contidContact ID of the contact
eidEmail ID of the contact
fnFirst Name
fn_lnFirst Name_ Last Name
isPrimaryTrue/ False is returned based on whether the email address is a primary email address
photoURL of the contact photo
zidZUID of the contact

Using email address

Copiedclientsdk.get(["contactInfo", {eid: ""}]).then(res=>{ console.log(res) })

Using ZUID

Copiedclientsdk.get(["contactInfo", {zuid: "647310909"}]).then(res=>{ console.log(res) })

Sample Response

"chat": "true",
"contid": "3733364000000005050",
"eid": "",
"fn": "Paula",
"fn_ln": "Paula A",
"isPrimary": "true",
"photo": "",
"zid": "54220374"