Beware of phishing emails!
Stay home if you can!
Install antivirus software.
Wear a mask.
Is your TFA set up?
Wash your hands.
Online Meeting
Strengthen your passwords.
Stay hydrated!
Stretch. Smile. Repeat.
Health Check
Lock your device.
Call a friend!
Stay active!

Zoho Mail's 2020 Journey

January 2020 Updates

Report Phishing

You can mark an email as a phishing attempt by using Zoho Mail's Report Phishing feature.

Smart suggestions in Hotkeys

When you start typing in a hotkey, smart suggestions will pop up. Choose the one you want and insert it by pressing the Enter/ Tab/ right arrow key.

Choose the editor mode you like best

You can choose between the plain-text editor, the rich-text editor, or the original email format as your default mode.

February 2020 Updates

16 new languages join Zoho Mail

We added 16 new display languages, taking the overall supported languages count to a big 60!

Bookmark extension for your browser

Zoho Mail's handy Bookmarks tab is now available as a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox.

Centralized attachment storage made easy

Quickly add your attachments to your WorkDrive folders using the Attach to WorkDrive feature in Mail's Attachment viewer.

March 2020 Updates

Zoho Mail's fully fledged eDiscovery portal

Introducing our in-house email retention and eDiscovery service. Comply with legal requirements by setting up retention policies, streamlining investigations and holds, and quickly spotting the information you need through the detailed search options.

Extract content from an image

Here's a cool time-saver: You can add an inline image in a note and extract content from the image into the note.

April 2020 Updates

Use Zoho Writer to edit your attachments

Got a Word document sent over as an attachment? Open it with Zoho Writer and edit using your favorite document editing tools without losing any original formatting.

May 2020 Updates

Zoho Cliq integration for smooth transitions

Sometimes when you're in your inbox reading a conversation, checking an attachment, or viewing a bookmark, you may want to quickly share what you're reading with a colleague. This is why we integrated Cliq into all Mail features, to make sharing easy and spontaneous.

View all unread Stream conversations

We have introduced the All Unread list in Streams to help you catch up with conversations you haven't read yet.

June 2020 Updates

Let's meet?

Virtually, of course! Zoho Meeting has been integrated into Zoho Mail so you don't have to leave your inbox to start or schedule a meeting.

On high alert!

No taking risks when it comes to spam emails. Zoho Mail warns you when an email is potentially spam and gives you reasons why it was flagged.

July 2020 Updates

Zoho Workplace reaches 15 million users

Milestone unlocked! Our user base is now 15 million strong and growing.

Zoho People integration

Check in and check out right from your inbox with the Zoho People integration. You can also check your teammates' availability in their contact cards.

Compose now, send later

You've drafted the perfect email but don't think it's time to send yet? Schedule your emails for whenever you want with the Send Later feature.

August 2020 Updates

Zoho Workplace wins the Atmanirbhar App challenge

Zoho Workplace participated in the Government of India's Atmanirbhar app challenge and was named the best app for Office Productivity, along with Zoho Cliq. Woohoo!

Presenting Zoho TeamInbox by Zoho Mail

TeamInbox helps you create shared inboxes where multiple team members can view and delegate work among themselves, to accomplish tasks quickly and create a more transparent workspace.

Toolkit by Zoho Mail

Zoho Mail's very own admin lookup tool is now available for everyone! Toolkit is a comprehensive search for all administrator queries like domain lookup, email header analysis, registry details, open ports, and more.

Huge attachments, literally!

The limit to your large attachments has now been increased to 1GB, and this feature is available across all paid plans.

September 2020 Updates

Zoho Mail as IMAP Client

Zoho Mail is now an IMAP client. Sync your emails from other accounts via IMAP, and access them all from one place.

The new and improved Zoho Workplace

We launched an improved version of Zoho Workplace complete with a dashboard, unified product tabs, tight integrations, and more!

Restore Mail tabs

You no longer have to regret accidentally closing a tab in Mail or hitting refresh— the Restore Tabs feature helps you instantly get back to where you were.

October 2020 Updates

Copy spreadsheets to Zoho Sheet

Copy your Excel attachments directly in Zoho Sheet and start working on them right away!

Editable posts and comments

We've introduced the Edit option in Streams to help you correct those pesky typos or inadvertent mistakes in posts or comments.

November 2020 Updates

Launching Zoho ZeptoMail

Zoho Mail launched the perfect email delivery service for businesses and services that send out transactional emails. Send transactional emails securely, instantly, and be assured of its delivery.

December 2020 Updates

An integrated Zoho Workplace app

We finished the year on a high note with the release of our integrated mobile app for Workplace, with a quick launcher and advanced search capabilities. Download for your iOS and Android devices.

You Won!

Here's to a happier and healthier year!

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