
How do I add a Primary Client to fetch projects from Zoho Projects?

When you integrate your Zoho Books organization with Zoho Projects, only the projects that are associated with the primary client will be fetched into Zoho Books.

There are three ways to associate a primary client with a project:

While adding a client company to your portal

When you add the first client company to your projects in the Zoho Projects portal, it becomes your primary client by default. Here’s how:

  • Click the Setup icon in the top right corner.
  • Click Manage Users in the left sidebar and select Client Users.
  • Click Add Client Company.
  • In the Add New Client Company pop-up, enter the Client Company Name.
  • In the Client User Information section, associate a project and enter any other necessary details. If this is the first client company in the selected project, it will be set as the primary client by default.
  • Enter the other required details and click Add.

The primary client will be added to your Zoho Projects portal.

While adding a client company in your project

If you are working on a particular project and want to add a primary client, you can do it from the Users module of your Zoho Projects portal. Here’s how:

  • Go to Projects on the left sidebar.
  • Select the project for which you’d like to add a primary client.
  • Click the More icon near the tab displayed, and select Users from the dropdown.
  • In the Users tab, click the Users dropdown and select Client Users.
  • Click Add Client Company.
  • In the Add New Client Company pop-up, enter the required details and click Add.

If you want to mark that client as the primary client of the project, check the option Mark as Primary Client below the Client Company Name field.

Note: If this is your first client company in the project, the Mark as Primary Client option will be disabled. This option will only be available when you add subsequent client companies to the same project.

While creating transactions in the Finances tab

To create any transaction for a project, you must have a primary client. To add a primary client:

  • Go to Projects on the left sidebar of your Zoho Projects portal.
  • Select the project for which you would like to create a transaction.
  • Click the More icon near the tabs displayed and select Finance from the dropdown.
  • In the Finance tab, click Add Primary Client.
  • In the Add Primary Client pane, select the Client Company you want to add as a primary client.
  • Click Add as Primary Client.

The primary client will be created, and you can record transactions for the respective project. These transactions will also be synced when you integrate your Zoho Projects protal with Zoho Books.

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