PHP SDKのサンプルコード - 組織の操作

次のサンプルコードは、PHP SDKの最新バージョン(v2.0.0)にのみ使用できます。以前のバージョンのサンプルについては、こちらのリンクをご利用ください。

use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});*/
             $configuration = [];
    public function getUser(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $responseIns=$orgIns->getUser("3524033000000191017");//to get the user 
        $userInstance=$responseIns->getData();//to get the user data in form ZCRMUser instance
        echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
        echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
        $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
        echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id 
        echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
        $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
            echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
            echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
            echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown 
            echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
            echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
            echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
        echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
        echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
        echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
        echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
        echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
        echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
        echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
        echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
        echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
        $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme 
            echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
            echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
            echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
            echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
        echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
        echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user 
        echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
        echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
        echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
        echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
        echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
        echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
        echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
        $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
        echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
        echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
        echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
        echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
        echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
        echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
        echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
        echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
        echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
        echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
        echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
        echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
        echo "HTTP Status Code:".$responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); //To get http response code
        echo "Status:".$responseIns->getStatus(); //To get response status
        echo "Message:".$responseIns->getMessage(); //To get response message
        echo "Code:".$responseIns->getCode(); //To get status code
        echo "Details:".json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllUsers(){
       /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $response=$orgIns->getAllUsers();//to get all the user*/
        $orgIns = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the user
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllActiveUsers(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllActiveUsers();//to get all the active users*/
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllActiveUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the active users
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllDeactiveUsers(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllDeactiveUsers();//to get all the deactivated users */
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllDeactiveUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the deactivated users
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllConfirmedUsers(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllConfirmedUsers();//to get all the confirmed users*/
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllConfirmedUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the confirmed users
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllNotConfirmedUsers(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllNotConfirmedUsers();//to get all the nonconfirmed users*/
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllNotConfirmedUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the unconfirmed users
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllDeletedUsers(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllDeletedUsers();//to get all the deleted users*/
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllDeletedUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the deleted users
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllActiveConfirmedUsers(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllActiveConfirmedUsers();//to get all the confirmer active users*/
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllActiveConfirmedUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the active and confirmed users
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllAdminUsers(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllAdminUsers();//to get all the admins*/
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllAdminUsers($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the administrators
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllActiveConfirmedAdmins(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response=$orgIns->getAllActiveConfirmedAdmins();//to get all the confirmed admins*/
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
        $response = $orgIns->getAllActiveConfirmedAdmins($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the confirmed administrators
        $userInstances=$response->getData();//to get the array of users in form of ZCRMUser instances
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance){
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
            $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
            $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getCurrentUser(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $response=$orgIns->getCurrentUser();//to get the current user
        $userInstance=$response->getData();//to get the user in form of ZCRMUser instance
        echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
        echo $userInstance->getCountry();//to get the country of the user
        $roleInstance=$userInstance->getRole();//to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
        echo $roleInstance->getId();//to get the role id
        echo $roleInstance->getName();//to get the role name
        $customizeInstance=$userInstance->getCustomizeInfo();//to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
            echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc();//to get the note description
            echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem();//to get the unpinned recent items
            echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel();//to check whether the right panel is shown
            echo $customizeInstance->isBcView();//to check whether the business card view is enabled
            echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome();//to check whether the home is shown
            echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView();//to check whether the detail view is shows
        echo $userInstance->getCity();//to get the city of the user
        echo $userInstance->getSignature();//to get the signature of the user
        echo $userInstance->getNameFormat();// to get the name format of the user
        echo $userInstance->getLanguage();//to get the language of the user
        echo $userInstance->getLocale();//to get the locale of the user
        echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount();//to check whther this is a personal account
        echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup();//to get the default tab group
        echo $userInstance->getAlias();//to get the alias of the user
        echo $userInstance->getStreet();//to get the street name of the user
        $themeInstance=$userInstance->getTheme();//to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
            echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor();//to get the normal tab font color
            echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground();//to get the normal tab background
            echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor();//to get the selected tab font color
            echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground();//to get the selected tab background
        echo $userInstance->getState();//to get the state of the user
        echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale();//to get the country locale of the user
        echo $userInstance->getFax();//to get the fax number of the user
        echo $userInstance->getFirstName();//to get the first name of the user
        echo $userInstance->getEmail();//to get the email id of the user
        echo $userInstance->getZip();//to get the zip code of the user
        echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator();//to get the decimal separator
        echo $userInstance->getWebsite();//to get the website of the user
        echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat();//to get the time format of the user
        $profile= $userInstance->getProfile();//to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
        echo $profile->getId();//to get the profile id
        echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
        echo $userInstance->getMobile();//to get the mobile number of the user
        echo $userInstance->getLastName();//to get the last name of the user
        echo $userInstance->getTimeZone();//to get the time zone of the user
        echo $userInstance->getZuid();//to get the zoho user id of the user
        echo $userInstance->isConfirm();//to check whether it is a confirmed user
        echo $userInstance->getFullName();//to get the full name of the user
        echo $userInstance->getPhone();//to get the phone number of the user
        echo $userInstance->getDob();//to get the date of birth of the user
        echo $userInstance->getDateFormat();//to get the date format
        echo $userInstance->getStatus();//to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function deleteUser(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $responseIns=$orgIns->deleteUser("{user_id}");//to delete the user
        echo "HTTP Status Code:".$responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); //To get http response code
        echo "Status:".$responseIns->getStatus(); //To get response status
        echo "Message:".$responseIns->getMessage(); //To get response message
        echo "Code:".$responseIns->getCode(); //To get status code
        echo "Details:".json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\users\ZCRMProfile;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\users\ZCRMRole;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\users\ZCRMUser;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function createUser(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $user=ZCRMUser::getInstance(NULL, NULL);//to get the user instance
        $user->setLastName("subject");//to set the last name of the user
        $user->setFirstName("test");//to set the first name of the user
        $user->setEmail("");//to set the email id of the user
        $role=ZCRMRole::getInstance("{role_id}","{role_name}");//to get the role
        $user->setRole($role);//to get the role of the user
        $profile=ZCRMProfile::getInstance("{profile_id}","{profile_name}");//to get the profile
        $user->setProfile($profile);//to set the profile of the user
        $responseIns=$orgIns->createUser($user);//to create the user
        echo "HTTP Status Code:".$responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); //To get http response code
        echo "Status:".$responseIns->getStatus(); //To get response status
        echo "Message:".$responseIns->getMessage(); //To get response message
        echo "Code:".$responseIns->getCode(); //To get status code
        echo "Details:".json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\users\ZCRMProfile;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\users\ZCRMRole;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\users\ZCRMUser;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function updateUser(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $user=ZCRMUser::getInstance("{user_id}", "{user_name}");//to get the user instance
        $user->setId("{user_id}");//to set the id of the user
        $user->setFax("321432423423");//to set the fax number of the user
        $user->setMobile("4234234232");//to set the mobile number of the user
        $user->setPhone("2342342342");//to set the phone number of the user
        $user->setStreet("sddsfdsfd");//to set the street name of the user
        $user->setAlias("test");//to set the alias of the user
        $user->setWebsite("");//to set the website of the user
        $user->setCity("chennai");//to set the city of the user
        $user->setCountry("India");//to set the country of the user
        $user->setState("Tamil nadu");//to set the state of the user
        $user->setZip("6000010");//to set the zip code of the user
        $responseIns=$orgIns->updateUser($user);//to update the user
        echo "HTTP Status Code:".$responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); //To get http response code
        echo "Status:".$responseIns->getStatus(); //To get response status
        echo "Message:".$responseIns->getMessage(); //To get response message
        echo "Code:".$responseIns->getCode(); //To get status code
        echo "Details:".json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllProfiles(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $response=$orgIns->getAllProfiles();//to get the profiles
        $profiles=$response->getData();//to get the profiles in form of array of ZCRMProfile
        foreach ($profiles as $profile){
            echo $profile->getId();//to get the id of the profile
            echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
            echo $profile->isDefaultProfile();//to check whether the profile is default
            echo $profile->getCreatedTime();//to get the created time of the profile
            echo $profile->getModifiedTime();//to get the modified time of the profile
            $userInstance=$profile->getModifiedBy();//to get the user who modified the profile
                echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
                echo $userInstance->getName();//to get the user name
            echo $profile->getDescription();//to get the profile description
            $userInstance=$profile->getCreatedBy();//to get the user who created the profile
                echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the profile id
                echo $userInstance->getName();//to get the profile name
            echo $profile->getCategory();//to get the category of the profile
            $permissions=$profile->getPermissionList();//to get the permissions of the profile
            foreach ($permissions as $permission){
                echo $permission->getDisplayLabel();//to get the display labnel of the permission
                echo $permission->getModule();//to get the module name of the permission
                echo $permission->getId();//to get the id of the permission
                echo $permission->getName();//to get the name of the permission
                echo $permission->isEnabled();//to check whether the permission is enabled
            $sections=$profile->getSectionsList();//to get the section list of the profile
            foreach($sections as $section){
                echo $section->getName();//to get the name of the section
                $profilecategories=$section->getCategories();//to get the categories of the profile sections
                foreach ($profilecategories as $profilecategory){
                    echo $profilecategory->getName();//to get the name of the category
                    echo $profilecategory->getModule();//to get the module name to which the category belongs
                    echo $profilecategory->getDisplayLabel();//to get the display label of the category
                    $permissionIds= $profilecategory->getPermissionIds();//to get the permission ids of the profile section categories
                    foreach ($permissionIds as $permissionId){
                        echo $permissionId;//to get the permission id
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getProfile(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $response=$orgIns->getProfile("{profile_id}");//to get the profile
        $profile=$response->getData();//to get the profile in form of the ZCRMProfile instance
        echo $profile->getId();//to get the id of the profile
        echo $profile->getName();//to get the name of the profile
        echo $profile->isDefaultProfile();//to check whether the profile is default
        echo $profile->getCreatedTime();//to get the created time of the profile
        echo $profile->getModifiedTime();//to get the modified time of the profile
        $userInstance=$profile->getModifiedBy();//to get the user who modified the profile
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getName();//to get the user name
        echo $profile->getDescription();//to get the profile description
        $userInstance=$profile->getCreatedBy();//to get the user who created the profile
            echo $userInstance->getId();//to get the profile id
            echo $userInstance->getName();//to get the profile name
        echo $profile->getCategory();//to get the category of the profile
        $permissions=$profile->getPermissionList();//to get the permissions of the profile
        foreach ($permissions as $permission){
            echo $permission->getDisplayLabel();//to get the display labnel of the permission
            echo $permission->getModule();//to get the module name of the permission
            echo $permission->getId();//to get the id of the permission
            echo $permission->getName();//to get the name of the permission
            echo $permission->isEnabled();//to check whether the permission is enabled
        $sections=$profile->getSectionsList();//to get the section list of the profile
        foreach($sections as $section){
            echo $section->getName();//to get the name of the section
            $profilecategories=$section->getCategories();//to get the categories of the profile sections
            foreach ($profilecategories as $profilecategory){
                echo $profilecategory->getName();//to get the name of the category
                echo $profilecategory->getModule();//to get the module name to which the category belongs
                echo $profilecategory->getDisplayLabel();//to get the display label of the category
                $permissionIds= $profilecategory->getPermissionIds();//to get the permission ids of the profile section categories
                foreach ($permissionIds as $permissionId){
                    echo $permissionId;//to get the permission id
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getAllRoles(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $response=$orgIns->getAllRoles();//to get the roles of the organization
        $roles=$response->getData();//to get the roles in form of array of ZCRMRole instances
        foreach ($roles as $role){
            echo $role->getName();//to get the role name
            echo $role->getId();//to get the role id
            $reportingrole= $role->getReportingTo();//to get the role id and name to whom user of this role will report to
                echo $reportingrole->getId();
                echo $reportingrole->getName();
            echo $role->getDisplayLabel();//to get the display label of the role
            echo $role->isAdminRole();//to check whether it is the administrator role
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getRole(){
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $response=$orgIns->getRole("{role_id}");//to get the role of the organization
        $role=$response->getData();//to get the role in form ZCRMRole instance
        echo $role->getName();//to get the role name
        echo $role->getId();//to get the role id
        $reportingrole= $role->getReportingTo();//to get the role id and name to whom user of this role will report to
            echo $reportingrole->getId();
            echo $reportingrole->getName();
        echo $role->getDisplayLabel();//to get the display label of the role
        echo $role->isAdminRole();//to check whether it is the administrator role
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getorgtaxes()
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $orgTaxes = $orgIns->getOrganizationTaxes()->getData();
        foreach ($orgTaxes as $orgTax) {
            echo $orgTax->getId() . "\n";
            echo $orgTax->getName() . "\n";
            echo $orgTax->getDisplayName() . "\n";
            echo $orgTax->getValue() . "\n";
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function getOrganizationTax()
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $orgTax = $orgIns->getOrganizationTax("{organization_tax_id}")->getData();
        echo $orgTax->getId() . "\n";
        echo $orgTax->getName() . "\n";
        echo $orgTax->getDisplayName() . "\n";
        echo $orgTax->getValue() . "\n";
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMOrgTax;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function createOrganizationTaxes()
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $orgTax = ZCRMOrgTax::getInstance("fsdf", NULL);
        $orgTaxInstances = array();
        array_push($orgTaxInstances, $orgTax);
        $responseIns = $orgIns->createOrganizationTaxes($orgTaxInstances);
        foreach ($responseIns->getEntityResponses() as $responseIn) {
            echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
            echo "Status:" . $responseIn->getStatus(); // To get response status
            echo "Message:" . $responseIn->getMessage(); // To get response message
            echo "Code:" . $responseIn->getCode(); // To get status code
            echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIn->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMOrgTax;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function updateOrganizationTaxes()
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $orgTax = ZCRMOrgTax::getInstance("Salesax","{org_tax_id}");
        $orgTaxInstances = array();
        array_push($orgTaxInstances, $orgTax);
        $responseIns = $orgIns->updateOrganizationTaxes($orgTaxInstances);
        foreach ($responseIns->getEntityResponses() as $responseIn) {
            echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
            echo "Status:" . $responseIn->getStatus(); // To get response status
            echo "Message:" . $responseIn->getMessage(); // To get response message
            echo "Code:" . $responseIn->getCode(); // To get status code
            echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIn->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function deleteOrganizationTax()
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $responseIn = $orgIns->deleteOrganizationTax("{org_tax_id}");
        echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
        echo "Status:" . $responseIn->getStatus(); // To get response status
        echo "Message:" . $responseIn->getMessage(); // To get response message
        echo "Code:" . $responseIn->getCode(); // To get status code
        echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIn->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function deleteOrganizationTaxes()
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        $responseIns = $orgIns->deleteOrganizationTaxes($orgTaxids);
        foreach ($responseIns->getEntityResponses() as $responseIn) {
            echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIns->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
            echo "Status:" . $responseIn->getStatus(); // To get response status
            echo "Message:" . $responseIn->getMessage(); // To get response message
            echo "Code:" . $responseIn->getCode(); // To get status code
            echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIn->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org{
    public function __construct()
         $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public function searchUsersByCriteria()
        $orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $userInstances = $orgIns->searchUsersByCriteria("{criteria}", "{type}")->getData(); // to get the users of the organization based on criteria and type of the user(active,deleted,etc)*/
         $param_map=array("page"=>"1","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
        $userInstances = $orgIns->searchUsersByCriteria("{criteria}", $param_map)->getData(); // to get the users of the organization based on criteria 
        foreach ($userInstances as $userInstance) {
            echo $userInstance->getId(); // to get the user id
            echo $userInstance->getCountry(); // to get the country of the user
            $roleInstance = $userInstance->getRole(); // to get the role of the user in form of ZCRMRole instance
            echo $roleInstance->getId(); // to get the role id
            echo $roleInstance->getName(); // to get the role name
            $customizeInstance = $userInstance->getCustomizeInfo(); // to get the customization information of the user in for of the ZCRMUserCustomizeInfo form
            if ($customizeInstance != null) {
                echo $customizeInstance->getNotesDesc(); // to get the note description
                echo $customizeInstance->getUnpinRecentItem(); // to get the unpinned recent items
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowRightPanel(); // to check whether the right panel is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isBcView(); // to check whether the business card view is enabled
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowHome(); // to check whether the home is shown
                echo $customizeInstance->isToShowDetailView(); // to check whether the detail view is shows
            echo $userInstance->getCity(); // to get the city of the user
            echo $userInstance->getSignature(); // to get the signature of the user
            echo $userInstance->getNameFormat(); // to get the name format of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLanguage(); // to get the language of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLocale(); // to get the locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->isPersonalAccount(); // to check whther this is a personal account
            echo $userInstance->getDefaultTabGroup(); // to get the default tab group
            echo $userInstance->getAlias(); // to get the alias of the user
            echo $userInstance->getStreet(); // to get the street name of the user
            $themeInstance = $userInstance->getTheme(); // to get the theme of the user in form of the ZCRMUserTheme
            if ($themeInstance != null) {
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabFontColor(); // to get the normal tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getNormalTabBackground(); // to get the normal tab background
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabFontColor(); // to get the selected tab font color
                echo $themeInstance->getSelectedTabBackground(); // to get the selected tab background
            echo $userInstance->getState(); // to get the state of the user
            echo $userInstance->getCountryLocale(); // to get the country locale of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFax(); // to get the fax number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getFirstName(); // to get the first name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getEmail(); // to get the email id of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZip(); // to get the zip code of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDecimalSeparator(); // to get the decimal separator
            echo $userInstance->getWebsite(); // to get the website of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeFormat(); // to get the time format of the user
            $profile = $userInstance->getProfile(); // to get the user's profile in form of ZCRMProfile
            echo $profile->getId(); // to get the profile id
            echo $profile->getName(); // to get the name of the profile
            echo $userInstance->getMobile(); // to get the mobile number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getLastName(); // to get the last name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getTimeZone(); // to get the time zone of the user
            echo $userInstance->getZuid(); // to get the zoho user id of the user
            echo $userInstance->isConfirm(); // to check whether it is a confirmed user
            echo $userInstance->getFullName(); // to get the full name of the user
            echo $userInstance->getPhone(); // to get the phone number of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDob(); // to get the date of birth of the user
            echo $userInstance->getDateFormat(); // to get the date format
            echo $userInstance->getStatus(); // to get the status of the user
    $obj =new Org();
    use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    class Org{
        public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
public function getNotes()
        $org = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance();
        /* For VERSION <=2.0.6  $notes = $org->getNotes()->getData(); // to get the notes in form of ZCRMNote instances array */
        $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional
    $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional
    $response = $orgIns->getNotes($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the notes
        foreach ($notes as $note) { 
            echo "\n";
            echo $note->getParentModule();
            echo $note->getId(); // To get note id
            echo $note->getTitle(); // To get note title
            echo $note->getContent(); // To get note content
            $parentRecord = $note->getParentRecord(); // To get note's parent record
            echo $parentRecord->getEntityId(); // To get note's parent record id
            echo $note->getParentName(); // To get note's parent name
            echo $note->getParentId(); // To get note's parent id
            $createdBy = $note->getCreatedBy();
            echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the note
            echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the note
            $modifiedBy = $note->getModifiedBy();
            echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the note
            echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the note
            $owner = $note->getOwner();
            echo $owner->getId(); // To get note_record owner id
            echo $owner->getName(); // To get note_record Owner name
            echo $note->getCreatedTime(); // To get created time of the note
            echo $note->getModifiedTime(); // To get modified time of the note
            echo $note->isVoiceNote(); // Check if the note is voice_note or not
            echo $note->getSize(); // To get note_record size
            $attchments = $note->getAttachments(); // To get attachments of the note_record
            if ($attchments != null) // check If attachments is empty/not
                foreach ($attchments as $attchmentIns) {
                    echo $attchmentIns->getId(); // To get the note's attachment id
                    echo $attchmentIns->getFileName(); // To get the note's attachment file name
                    echo $attchmentIns->getFileType(); // To get the note's attachment file type
                    echo $attchmentIns->getSize(); // To get the note's attachment file size
                    echo $attchmentIns->getParentModule(); // To get the note's attachment parent module name
                    $parentRecord = $attchmentIns->getParentRecord();
                    echo $parentRecord->getEntityId(); // To get the note's parent record id
                    echo $attchmentIns->getParentName(); // To get the note name
                    echo $attchmentIns->getParentId(); // To get the note id
                    $createdBy = $attchmentIns->getCreatedBy();
                    echo $createdBy->getId(); // To get user_id who created the note's attachment
                    echo $createdBy->getName(); // To get user name who created the note's attachment
                    $modifiedBy = $attchmentIns->getModifiedBy();
                    echo $modifiedBy->getId(); // To get user_id who modified the note's attachment
                    echo $modifiedBy->getName(); // To get user name who modified the note's attachment
                    $owner = $attchmentIns->getOwner();
                    echo $owner->getId(); // To get the note's attachment owner id
                    echo $owner->getName(); // To get the note's attachment owner name
                    echo $attchmentIns->getCreatedTime(); // To get attachment created time
                    echo $attchmentIns->getModifiedTime(); // To get attachment modified time
    $obj =new Org();
    use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    class Org{
        public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
public function createNotes(){
        $org = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance();
        $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("Products", "3524033000003352001");
        $noteIns = ZCRMNote::getInstance($record, NULL); // to get the note instance
        $noteIns->setTitle("Title_API1"); // to set the note title
        $noteIns->setContent("This is test content"); // to set the note content
        $noteIns1 = ZCRMNote::getInstance($record, NULL); // to get another note instance
        $noteIns1->setTitle("Title_API1"); // to set the note title
        $noteIns1->setContent("This is test content");
        foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) {
            echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
            echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status
            echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message
            echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code
            echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
    use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    class Org{
        public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
public function deleteNotes(){
        $org = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance();
        foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) {
            echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
            echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status
            echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message
            echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code
            echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
    $obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\org\ZCRMOrganization;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariable;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariableGroup;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
class Org {
    public function __construct() {
        $configuration = array("client_id" => {client_id}, "client_secret" => {client_secret}, "redirect_uri" => {redirect_url}, "currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public static function getVariables() {
        $org_ins = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance();
        $variable_instances = $org_ins->getVariables()->getData();
        foreach ($variable_instances as $variable_instance) {
            echo $variable_instance->getId();
            echo $variable_instance->getName();
            echo $variable_instance->getApiName();
            echo $variable_instance->getType();
            echo $variable_instance->getValue();
            foreach ($variable_instance->getVariableGroup() as $variable_group) {
                echo $variable_group->getId();
                echo $variable_group->getName();
            echo $variable_instance->getDescription();
$obj = new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\org\ZCRMOrganization;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariable;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariableGroup;
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    class Org{
        public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
    public static function createVariables(){
        $variable_array =array() ;
        $variable_ins=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client
        $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance();
        $variable_ins->setDescription("automated sdk");
        $variable_ins1=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client
        $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance();
        $variable_ins1->setDescription("automated sdk");
        foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) {
            echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
            echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status
            echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message
            echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code
            echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
$obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\org\ZCRMOrganization;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariable;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariableGroup;
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    class Org{
        public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
 public static function updateVariables(){
        $variable_array =array() ;
        $variable_ins=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client
        $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance();
        $variable_ins->setDescription("automated sdk");
        $variable_ins1=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client
        $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance();
        $variable_ins1->setDescription("automated sdk");
        foreach ($responseIn->getEntityResponses() as $responseIns) {
            echo "HTTP Status Code:" . $responseIn->getHttpStatusCode(); // To get http response code
            echo "Status:" . $responseIns->getStatus(); // To get response status
            echo "Message:" . $responseIns->getMessage(); // To get response message
            echo "Code:" . $responseIns->getCode(); // To get status code
            echo "Details:" . json_encode($responseIns->getDetails());
$obj =new Org();
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\org\ZCRMOrganization;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariable;
use zcrmsdk\crm\crud\ZCRMVariableGroup;
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    class Org{
        public function __construct()
            $configuration = array("client_id"=>{client_id},"client_secret"=>{client_secret},"redirect_uri"=>{redirect_url},"currentUserEmail"=>{user_email_id});
 public static function getVariableGroups(){
        $org_ins=ZCRMOrganization::getInstance();//to get the rest client
        $variable_group_instances = $org_ins->getVariableGroups()->getData();
        foreach($variable_group_instances as $variable_group_instance ){
            echo $variable_group_instance->getId();
            echo $variable_group_instance->getName();
            echo $variable_group_instance->getApiName();
            echo $variable_group_instance->getDisplayLabel();
            echo $variable_group_instance->getDescription();
$obj =new Org();