TDS Payments

TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is a percentage of income withheld by the payer and directly remitted to the government on the individual’s behalf. With this module, you can easily view all TDS liabilities and associate them with the relevant challans.

Note:This feature is available only in early access. To enable this feature, contact our support team at

TDS Liabilities

In this section, you can view all TDS liability details and record payments for them.

Enable TDS Liabilities

Before generating the TDS liabilities, you need to enable the feature. Here’s how:

View TDS Liabilities

After enabling the feature, the TDS liabilities will be generated starting from the month you selected. To view the TDS liabilities:

Record Challan

If you’ve paid the TDS to the authorities for a liability, you can record it as a challan in Zoho Books. Here’s how:

Note: The Auto allocate Payment to all the listed liabilities option will be available only if the payment amount exceeds the liability amount.

Associate Challan

You can associate unused challans with a liability. These are challans with amounts that have not been fully allocated. Here’s how:

View Challans

To view all the challans that you created:

You can view all the challans here. You can also record challans by clicking Record Challan.

Note: To edit a challan, go to TDS > Challans, select a challan, and click Edit in the top right. To delete a challan, go to TDS > Challans, select a challan, click the More icon, and select Delete Challan.

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