Zoho features in PC World’s “The Web’s Most Useful Sites”

Ryan Singel at PC World looked at the best of the new Web services in 14 categories and has his results at "The Web's Most Useful Sites". While Zoho Writer won the best word processor, Zoho Sheet came runner-up in the spreadsheets category.

Zoho Writer features a hideable list of documents divided into sections for private, shared, and public documents, plus templates. Like Google Docs and ThinkFree, Zoho Writer can publish items directly to a blog and can save and import a range of text document formats, from Microsoft Word to HTML. With a plug-in for Microsoft Word, you can save from that application directly to your Zoho account.

It includes most of the common word processing features, from multiple undo to find-and-replace to extensive text formatting. You can also edit the HTML of a document, but the feature is so hidden you must use the search box to find it. Besting both Google and ThinkFree overall, Zoho handles multiple documents in a single window via tabs and lets you embed a Zoho spreadsheet in a Writer document. Modifying the spreadsheet automatically updates the Writer files.

Zoho Sheet's clear icon-based controls, snappy response, intuitive keyboard navigation, graphs, and sharing options (which let you decide who can read particular worksheets in a document) make this an excellent tool for collaboration. It should improve as Zoho adds real-time collaboration and integrates it with other office offerings.

Thanks to Ryan & PC World! And thanks to all you Zoho users whose continuous feedback suggestions have kept us doing the right things, making this possible! Expect more from Zoho in 2007.


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