Zoho Facebook App Update

We rolled out an update for our recently announced application on Facebook. This update include couple of enhancements.

  • Zoho Creator Applications are now part of Zoho Application for Facebook
  • Enhancements for login etc

If you have any database applications created using Zoho Creator, these applications are now available on Facebook. You can view and edit these applications.

We also made some enhancements on managing your account. Previously you had to login to Zoho every time you login to your Facebook account to view your Zoho Documents. This issue is now fixed. You just need to enter your existing Zoho Account details for the first time and we'll link your Zoho account with your Facebook account. So you'll see all your documents without having to login to Zoho every time. If you don't have a Zoho Account, you can just provide us your email address and desired user name and we will create an account and link it directly to your Facebook account.

Do give it a try and let us know what you think. More updates are on the way.


3 Replies to Zoho Facebook App Update

  1. Why not for Windows users? The stirring acquisition of Nokia by Microsoft has made the task even tougher for the mobile apps and games developers. It is also going to present some tensed moments to admob or appnext or revmob

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