Single Sign-off in Zoho

Today, we have changed the logout behavior of Zoho.

Previously, users logged in to more than one service, have to do logout from each service individually. Clicking the logout link in a service will only close that service's session and will pose the user with links to logout from other logged-in services. This was to avoid users from getting logged-out from other logged-in services. However, this may lead to a security hole for users sharing desktops (like say, browsing centers, test labs etc).  To overcome this, logging out from a single Zoho service will logout the user from "all" the logged-in services from now on.

Due to this change :

1) Before logging out from a service, user has to ensure that there is no unsaved information in any other services (kept open in other browser sessions).

2) If a user wants to logout from only one service, he can just close that browser tab and continue using other services.


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