Building workflows made easy
Replicate your business workflows in Zoho Flow’s builder exactly the way you envisioned. Add a trigger, drag and drop logic and actions.
Create integrations without code
Build seamless workflows in minutes using Zoho Flow's intuitive drag-and-drop builder. Connect your apps and set up triggers and actions without writing a single line of code. The visual builder gives you a clear view of your automation sequence, making it easier to design, modify, and deploy complex workflows with ease.

Introduce decisions and custom variables to your workflows
Incorporate logic elements to build smarter, context-sensitive workflows. Introduce decision branches to choose which actions to be executed, set waiting times between actions, and add your own workflow variables for a tailored automation experience.

Write custom functions for specific use cases
Use Deluge, Zoho's scripting language, to solve sophisticated integration demands. Add advanced decision trees to your workflows, perform mathematical calculations on app data, or reformat data to help it pass smoothly from app to app.

Incorporate error handling into your workflows
Let's say you've set up a workflow to assign hot leads to regional sales reps. But what if an error in your CRM's API disrupts this critical step? Error branching lets you define alternative paths for your workflow in case of errors, such as notifying your team of the error and lead details. Minimize uncertainties and handle issues efficiently—just as you would in the real world.

Get started with prebuilt workflow templates
Explore our extensive gallery of over 850 applications and 1,300 workflow templates to quickly find and implement the most popular and effective automations for your needs. Check out our collection of flow templates to explore ideas for your business and pick the ones that suit you best—whether you use them as is or modify them to your specific requirements.