Blazesoft, an online gaming company, uses Zoho Flow to optimize their customer support and customer experience

About the company

Blazesoft Ltd. is a leading technological provider of entertainment solutions, specializing in developing platforms for online social games for the North American market. With years of experience in the industry, they're renowned for their innovative approach to creating fun and engaging casino-style experiences. Globally, over 100 employees are working for Blazesoft Ltd, which is continually expanding.

The need for an integrated help desk system

Customer support often goes unnoticed, yet it remains an indispensable component of any business committed to delivering an exceptional customer experience. The extent of support activities varies depending on the nature of the business, but introducing automation into the support process can significantly enhance the overall customer journey. Blazesoft, recognizing this pivotal aspect, embraced the idea of automating their customer support to elevate the customer experience and bolster their support team's capabilities.

Blazesoft chose to implement Zoho Desk for their support operations, a decision that has yielded remarkable results. By integrating Zoho Desk into their workflow, they've streamlined their customer support functions, resulting in an impressive efficiency enhancement of over 50%. This move was a strategic step for Blazesoft as a burgeoning company, aimed at delivering a superior customer support experience.

Mickey Blayvas, the founder and CEO of Blazesoft, was the driving force behind this initiative. His vision extended beyond mere automation. He aimed to empower the support team with comprehensive data, eradicating information silos. Blayvas envisioned a scenario where support representatives are armed with real-time, updated customer information right from the inception of a support ticket to its resolution.

"Being a growing company, we operate various departments, each with distinct business functions necessitating specialized tools for seamless operations. Our primary hurdle revolved around synchronizing these functions and dismantling organizational silos that hinder cohesion and efficiency,"

Mickey Blayvas

Mickey BlayvasFounder and CEOBlazesoft

To achieve their objectives, they reached out to the team at Customerization, a Zoho Advance Partner. The team understood Blazesoft's need for an integrated system capable of collecting and consolidating data and information from their CRM software to enhance the efficiency and cohesiveness of their support team. To address the challenge of providing support representatives with real-time access to the latest client information as soon as a support ticket emerged, the Customerization team integrated Zoho Desk and Microsoft Dynamics 365 using Zoho Flow. This integration ensures that when a customer generates a ticket, the customer support executive is equipped with updated customer details to effectively address their queries.

The need to automate development operations

In their pursuit of keeping customers engaged and entertained through their games, a continuous stream of updates becomes imperative. These updates encompass a variety of enhancements such as new features, themes, and bug fixes. However, the development of these updates is a collaborative effort involving multiple backend teams. Unfortunately, the collaboration process used to be manual, leading to significant time consumption and organizational challenges.

"When encountering technical issues, we found ourselves resorting to manually opening tasks in the support system. Over time, this manual procedure proved to be increasingly time-intensive, especially during periods of high support ticket influx. Recognizing the need for improvement, we aimed to establish seamless interconnectivity between systems and automate the hand-off process. Our goal was to enhance overall efficiency and substantially lower the margin for errors."

Mickey Blayvas

Mickey BlayvasFounder and CEOBlazesoft

Having understood Blazesoft's process bottlenecks, the Customerization team integrated Zoho Desk and Microsoft Azure DevOps using Zoho Flow. As a result of this integration, when the team encounters a technical challenge, a corresponding ticket is easily generated within Zoho Desk. This automated ticket creation has not only economized time, but it has also reduced the scope for human errors. The synergy between these platforms now operates as a robust safeguard against inefficiencies and inaccuracies, significantly enhancing their operational proficiency.

The need to understand their customer needs better

Elsewhere, Blayvas aimed to enhance customer satisfaction by gaining a deeper understanding of what they expected from Blazesoft. He carefully explored support tickets to gain insights and sought a streamlined method for deeper analysis. Despite having a wealth of data, he felt that it wasn't structured. He wanted a structured and systematic approach to examine the data and draw inferences. His vision was to access real-time data, empowering both him and his teams with the most up-to-date information.

"I found it essential to create a cohesive system that categorizes and segments our clients' diverse needs, promoting visibility and alignment across different departments."

Mickey Blayvas

Mickey BlayvasFounder and CEOBlazesoft

Customerization's consultants understood the importance of harmonizing support tickets with analytical software. Collaborating with Blayvas, they started to explore mathematical models that could derive meaningful insights from a spectrum of customer inquiries, interactions, product usage, and sales history – both received and anticipated. With the help of Zoho Flow, Zoho Desk and Microsoft Power BI were integrated.

Benefits and ROI

"Before Zoho Flow, our tools and systems operated in silos, and a significant portion of our processes was manual, leading to operational hiccups, customer service challenges, and frequent errors. Zoho Flow has been transformative, bridging the communication gap between teams and seamlessly integrating our technology systems."

Mickey Blayvas

Mickey BlayvasFounder and CEOBlazesoft

Using Zoho Flow, Blazesoft and Customerization, their Zoho implementation partner, successfully integrated Zoho Desk with platforms like MS Dynamics, Power BI, Azure DevOps, TrustPilot, and their social media channels. Blazesoft have streamlined their customer operations along with boosting their efficiency and productivity. They've distinctively noticed that they no longer toggle between multiple tools, as Zoho Flow brings all essential functionalities into a unified tech stack. Moreover, they've automated intricate workflows to enhance real-time processes and minimize errors.

They love Zoho Flow's intuitive interface, rapid configuration options, vigilant monitoring features, visual dashboards, and the ability to support custom integrations such as Webhooks. These features simplify operations across departments and translate to significant time savings. This reclaimed time is now channeled into understanding their customers better, thereby enriching the overall customer experience.

"Zoho Flow has been transformative for Blazesoft's operational landscape. It enabled us to consolidate and streamline data collection across our tech stack, fostering efficiency and harmony among departments. Moreover, with Zoho Flow's seamless automation, the likelihood of errors has been substantially minimized."

Kira Tchernikovsky

Kira TchernikovskyCEOCustomerization

Moving forward

Streamlining processes using Zoho Flow has helped them understand the power of integration. Blayvas and Tchernikovsky are evaluating processes that need optimization and are planning to optimize them using Zoho Flow.

"Collaborating with the right Zoho partner is pivotal to fully leveraging our investment in Zoho Flow. They adeptly guide our business scaling with tailored Zoho solutions that cater to our unique operational and business requisites. With Customerization's expertise at our side, we're eager to fine-tune our processes even more."

Mickey Blayvas

Mickey BlayvasFounder and CEOBlazesoft

  • INDUSTRY Gaming
  • REGIONCanada
    • Zoho Desk
      Zoho Desk
    • Microsoft Dynamics 365
      Microsoft Dynamics 365
    • Microsoft Azure Devops
      Microsoft Azure Devops
    • Microsoft PowerBi
      Microsoft PowerBi
    • TrustPilot
Mickey Blayvas

Mickey BlayvasFounder and CEO, Blazesoft

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