Integrate Pushbullet with 900+ apps

Create business workflows for Pushbullet without writing code, using Zoho Flow. Automate your routine tasks and make more time for what you do best.

Popular Pushbullet workflows


Get Pushbullet notifications for new Disqus comments

Do you like getting instant feedback about the content you publish in your site? This flow sends you a notification on Pushbullet for every new comment added in Disqus. 

How it works

1. A new comment is added in Disqus. 

2. Zoho Flow sends you a note in Pushbullet. 

Use this flow

Get Pushbullet notifications for new Disqus comments

Disqus + Pushbullet


Get Pushbullet notes with new Gitlab commits

Use this flow to get notified through Pushbullet for each new commit in Gitlab. This way, you never miss out on new developments in your tech project.

How it works

1. A new commit is made in Gitlab. 

2. Zoho Flow sends you a notification via Pushbullet.

Use this flow

Get Pushbullet notes with new Gitlab commits

Pushbullet + GitLab

Build your own Pushbullet integrations

Connect Pushbullet with over 900+ apps and build your own integrations using our no-code drag and drop builder and comprehensive workflow elements

Supported actions

Build your Pushbullet workflows using the below actions

All Triggers - A trigger kickstarts the flow

All Actions - Actions are the automated tasks

Send SMS

Sends an SMS to the specified phone number

Send a Note

Sends a text notification

Send a Link

Sends a link notification

What is Pushbullet?

Pushbullet is a notification service that is used to send links, files, and notes. You can mirror your phone's notifications, chat with other users, and get live notifications from sites of your choice.

Notifications Phone/SMS

Build comprehensive workflows using

Webhook triggers

Receive your data from a wider range of services in multiple formats, like JSON, form data, and plain text.

Learn more >


Create customized business workflows by including advanced logic elements like if-then branches, time delays, and more.

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Custom functions

Write simple scripting functions to format data, call web APIs, send emails, and more.

Learn more >

Zoho Flow was the deal-maker for the whole Zoho platform. For everyone who wants to use more than one Zoho app, Zoho Flow is a must. Learn more

Louis Castellano

CEO, Lakeside CNC Group

Zoho Flow has automated our entire "Security Operations" process, saving us a lot of manual work and admin overhead, in turn enabling us to focus our efforts on providing clients with accurate and quality services.

Neville Mader

Director, Perth Security Services

Zoho Flow has revolutionized our integration process, allowing us to transfer data seamlessly across multiple platforms without the need for coding. It has eliminated tedious and time-consuming tasks, making our workflow more efficient and saving us valuable time and effort. Zoho Flow is a game-changer for us, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to streamline their business processes. Learn more


Technical Engineer, Master Liveaboards

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Endless integrations. End to manual work.