Integrate CompanyHub with 750+ apps

Create business workflows for CompanyHub without writing code, using Zoho Flow. Automate your routine tasks and make more time for what you do best.

Build your own CompanyHub integrations

Connect CompanyHub with over 750+ apps and build your own integrations using our no-code drag and drop builder and comprehensive workflow elements

Supported triggers and actions

Build your CompanyHub workflows using the below triggers and actions

All Triggers - A trigger kickstarts the flow

Record created

Triggers when a new record is created in a specified custom table

All Actions - Actions are the automated tasks

Create record

Creates a new record in custom table

Update record

Updates a record in specified table

Find record

Finds an existing record in the specified table that matches your search query

What is CompanyHub?

CompanyHub CRM lets you create sales bots and automate your sales process. It also lets you create records, add notes, conversations and more.


Build comprehensive workflows using

Webhook triggers

Receive your data from a wider range of services in multiple formats, like JSON, form data, and plain text.

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Create customized business workflows by including advanced logic elements like if-then branches, time delays, and more.

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Custom functions

Write simple scripting functions to format data, call web APIs, send emails, and more.

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We started using both from the beginning, but since swapping [to Zoho], we have automated two full-time jobs and outsourced all sales and support roles. It has been huge and we couldn’t imagine going back Learn more

Owain ap Rees

Sales Director, Artico

Zoho Flow had eliminated the most routine and repetitive tasks that were creating a huge burden on our employees, leading to many unnecessary delays and mistakes. Now, we have better data integrity and we serve our customers faster. It is on a totally different level. Learn more

Louis Castellano

CEO, Lakeside CNC Group

We use Zoho Flow to connect Zoho Subscriptions with JotForm. As our customers fill their preferences in JotForm, Zoho Flow passes it to Zoho Subscriptions and creates a subscription automatically. It was impressive that we were able to configure all this on a simple drag-and-drop interface!

Josh Lucas

Head of Operations, AAA Band Rentals

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Endless integrations. End to manual work.