updateRecords Method
Table of Contents
You can use the updateRecords method to update or modify the records in Vertical Solution.
Important: Use the POST method to pass these parameters instead of GET method.
Request URL
XML Format
To update single record into a module in a single API call :
https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/updateRecords?id=Record ID&xmlData=XML Data
To update multiple records into a module in a single API call :
https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/updateRecords?version=4&xmlData=XML Data
Click Multiple Record Updates to view the sample xmlData and response for multiple records duplicate check.
Auth Token
Auth Token is an encrypted alphanumeric string that is required to authenticate your CRM account credentials. A valid user's Authentication Token is necessary to access the API. When making an API request, send the authentication token in the Authorization header as shown below:
https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/updateRecords?id=Record ID&xmlData=XML Data
(See Using Authentication Token )
Request Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
id* | String | Specify unique ID of the record |
xmlData* | XML | Specify fields and corresponding values |
wfTrigger | Boolean | Set value as true to trigger the workflow rule while updating record into CRM account. By default, this parameter is false. |
newFormat | Integer (1 or 2) | newFormat=1: To exclude fields with "null" values while updating data from your CRM account. newFormat=2: To include fields with "null" values while updating data from your CRM account. |
version | Integer | version = 1: (Default value) This will fetch responses based on the earlier API implementation i.e prior to the enhancements made. version = 2: This will fetch responses based on the latest API implementation. version = 4: To update multiple records in a single API method call. |
* - Mandatory parameter
- Refer the Release Notes page to learn more about enhancements made in the API implementation.
Additional Notes
- While updating data in your Vertical Solution account, role-based security (Roles, Profiles, Field-level security and Data sharing rules) is applied. Hence, use the user ID with highest role (Ex: CEO) and profile (Ex: Administrator). Also make sure all fields are enabled in the Field-level security settings. For role-based security settings, see Security Administration while generating API Ticket.
- While updating data, make sure the date and time are in the MM/dd/yyyy and yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss formats respectively
Update owner of the record
While updating a record through API, make sure you are specifying the email address or userID of the record owner. If you use the record owner's name, the record will be assigned to the default login credential used in the Auth Token. If you want to use the userID to specify the record owner, then add <FL val="SMOWNERID">userID</FL> tag to your xmlData.
To update records in Vertical Solution, follow the below steps:
- The URL should be as given below:
https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/updateRecords - The parameters should be as given below:
- authtoken: Auth Token
- scope: Specify value as crmapi.
- xmlData: This is a XML string and the format should be same as how get records in XML format during your fetch API.
- id: id of the record to be updated
XML data format:
- authtoken=xy4gr1554712345fg
- scope=crmapi
- xmlData= as mentioned below
- id = 1000000019001
<row no="1">
<FL val="Lead Source">Web Download</FL>
<FL val="First Name">contacto 1</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">apellido</FL>
<FL val="Email">testing@testing.com</FL>
<FL val="Title">Manager</FL>
<FL val="Phone">1234567890</FL>
<FL val="Home Phone">0987654321</FL>
<FL val="Other Phone">1212211212</FL>
<FL val="Fax">02927272626</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">292827622</FL>
Tasks with contact mapping
<row no="1">
<FL val="Subject">Meeting Hall</FL>
<FL val="Due Date">2009-04-22</FL>
<FL val="Status">Completed</FL>
<FL val="CONTACTID">2000000017027</FL>
<row no="1">
<FL val="Subject">Conference</FL>
<FL val="Start DateTime">2009-08-04 01:00:00</FL>
<FL val="End DateTime">2009-08-05 01:00:00</FL>
<FL val="Venue">Plaza</FL>
<FL val="Send Notification Email">false</FL>
<row no="1">
<FL val="First Name">Scott</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">James</FL>
<FL val="Email">test@test.com</FL>
<FL val="Department">CG</FL>
<FL val="Phone">989898988</FL>
<FL val="Fax">99999999</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">99989989</FL>
<FL val="Assistant">John</FL>
- A value for "Product Id" is mandatory.
- You can specify the product name if you do not have a valid product ID.
<row no="1">
<FL val="Subject">Zillium - SO</FL>
<FL val="Due Date">2009-03-10</FL>
<FL val="Sub Total">48000.0</FL>
<FL val="Tax">0.0</FL>
<FL val="Adjustment">0.0</FL>
<FL val="Grand Total">48000.0</FL>
<FL val="Billing Street">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping Street">test</FL>
<FL val="Billing City">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping City">test</FL>
<FL val="Billing State">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping State">test</FL>
<FL val="Billing Code">223</FL>
<FL val="Shipping Code">223</FL>
<FL val="Billing Country">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping Country">test</FL>
<FL val="Product Details">
<product no="1">
<FL val="Product Id">2000000017001</FL>
<FL val="Unit Price">10.0</FL>
<FL val="Quantity">1.0</FL>
<FL val="Total">123.0</FL>
<FL val="Discount">1.23</FL>
<FL val="Total After Discount">121.77</FL>
<FL val="List Price">123.0</FL>
<FL val="Net Total">121.77</FL>
<FL val="Terms and Conditions">Test by Zoho</FL>
<FL val="Description">Test By Zoho</FL>
- A value for "Product Id" is mandatory.
- You can specify the product name if you do not have a valid product ID.
<row no="1">
<FL val="Subject">Zillium - SO</FL>
<FL val="Due Date">2009-03-10</FL>
<FL val="Sub Total">48000.0</FL>
<FL val="Tax">0.0</FL>
<FL val="Adjustment">0.0</FL>
<FL val="Grand Total">48000.0</FL>
<FL val="Billing Street">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping Street">test</FL>
<FL val="Billing City">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping City">test</FL>
<FL val="Billing State">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping State">test</FL>
<FL val="Billing Code">223</FL>
<FL val="Shipping Code">223</FL>
<FL val="Billing Country">test</FL>
<FL val="Shipping Country">test</FL>
<FL val="Product Details">
<product no="1">
<FL val="Product Id">2000000017001</FL>
<FL val="Unit Price">10.0</FL>
<FL val="Quantity">1.0</FL>
<FL val="Total">123.0</FL>
<FL val="Discount">1.23</FL>
<FL val="Total After Discount">121.77</FL>
<FL val="List Price">123.0</FL>
<FL val="Net Total">121.77</FL>
<FL val="Terms and Conditions">Test by Zoho</FL>
<FL val="Description">Test By Zoho</FL>
<row no="1">
<FL val="Product Owner">manishp@zillum.com</FL>
<FL val="Product Name">Product Test</FL>
<FL val="Product Code">098732</FL>
<FL val="VENDORID">508020000000038476</FL>
<FL val="Product Active">true</FL>
<FL val="Manufacturer">AltvetPet Inc.</FL>
<FL val="Product Category">CRM App</FL>
<FL val="Sales Start Date">11/09/2012</FL>
<FL val="Sales End Date">11/11/2012</FL>
<FL val="Support Start Date">11/16/2012</FL>
<FL val="Support Expiry Date">11/18/2012</FL>
<FL val="Amount">100</FL>
<FL val="Probability">2</FL>
<FL val="Expected Revenue">200</FL>
<FL val="Unit Price">200</FL>
<FL val="Commission Rate">2</FL>
<FL val="Tax">Sales Tax;asdf</FL>
<FL val="Taxable">true</FL>
<FL val="Usage Unit">Dozen</FL>
<FL val="Qty Ordered">500000</FL>
<FL val="Qty in Stock">200000</FL>
<FL val="Reorder Level">10000</FL>
<FL val="Qty in Demand">10</FL>
<FL val="Handler">508020000000210005</FL>
<FL val="Description">Description Added for the product</FL>
- The value for the Handler should be the SMOWNERID.
Test Program
You can use the attached program to run and test the working of the updateRecords method in your Java Environment.
The Java Program contains the following:
- the token generation format
- the parameters and their values
- actual usage of the method
Click here to download the program.
Usage of 'CDATA'
Purpose: To consider Special Characters as plain text and NOT XML Data
URL Format:
Sample XML Data:
as POST:
<row no="1">
<FL val="First Name">Amy</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">Dawson</FL>
<FL val="Email">testing@testing.com</FL>
<FL val="Title">Manager</FL>
<FL val="Phone">1234567890</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">292827622</FL>
<FL val="Account Name"> <![CDATA["A & A"]]> </FL>
as GET:
<row no="1">
<FL val="First Name">Amy</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">Dawson</FL>
<FL val="Email">testing@testing.com</FL>
<FL val="Title">Manager</FL>
<FL val="Phone">1234567890</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">292827622</FL>
<FL val="Account Name"> <![CDATA["A %26 A"]]> </FL>
- "%26" will be considered as "&"
Multiple Record Updates
You can use updateRecords to update multiple records in a single updateRecords API method. Please note that version=4 is a mandatory parameter.
We have introduced a new code, that will represent the API result status for each record. The code is as given below:
2001 = Record Updated Successfully
URL Format :
Sample XML Data
<row no="1">
<FL val="Id">2000000178701</FL>
<FL val="Company">Company1</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">Last Name1</FL>
<FL val="Email">automation@crm.com 1</FL>
<row no="2">
<FL val="Id">2000000178702</FL>
<FL val="Company">Company2</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">Last Name2</FL>
<FL val="Email">automation@crm.com 2</FL>
Sample Response
The functionality and response will be as given below,
<response uri="/crm/private/xml/Leads/insertRecords">
<row no="1">
<FL val="Id">2000000178701</FL>
<FL val="Created Time">2013-02-11 17:55:04</FL>
<FL val="Modified Time">2013-02-11 17:55:04</FL>
<FL val="Created By">
<![CDATA[ aghil123 ]]>
<FL val="Modified By">
<![CDATA[ aghil123 ]]>
<row no="2">
<FL val="Id">2000000178702</FL>
<FL val="Created Time">2013-02-11 17:55:04</FL>
<FL val="Modified Time">2013-02-11 17:55:04</FL>
<FL val="Created By">
<![CDATA[ aghil123 ]]>
<FL val="Modified By">
<![CDATA[ aghil123 ]]>
If version=4, some records contain errors and some don't, the functionality and response will be as given below:
<response uri="/crm/private/xml/Leads/insertRecords">
<row no="1">
<FL val="Id">2000000178701</FL>
<FL val="Created Time">2013-02-11 17:55:04</FL>
<FL val="Modified Time">2013-02-11 17:55:04</FL>
<FL val="Created By">
<![CDATA[ aghil123 ]]>
<FL val="Modified By">
<![CDATA[ aghil123 ]]>
<row no="2">
<details>You have given a wrong value for the field : Annual Revenue</details>
- If you are using version=4, then you have to provide the Id within the xmlData.
- Developers can now easily identify the record id, since the record detail in the response, is given the same way the user requests in the xml data.
- If you do not pass the version, the default functionality will be executed.
- You update a maximum of 100 records in a single API call.