getRecordById Method
Table of Contentsup
You can use this method to retrieve individual records by record ID.
Request URL
XML Format:
JSON Format:
Auth Token
Auth Token is an encrypted alphanumeric string that is required to authenticate your CRM account credentials. A valid user's Authentication Token is necessary to access the API. When making an API request, send the authentication token in the Authorization header as shown below:
(See Using Authentication Token )
Request Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
id* or idlist* | String | id: Specify unique ID of the record. idlist: Specify unique set of IDs (separated by semicolon). You can specify up to 100 IDs using this parameter. |
newFormat | Integer (1 or 2) | newFormat=1: To exclude fields with "null" values while fetching data from your CRM account.newFormat=2: To include fields with "null" values while fetching data from your CRM account. |
version | Integer | version = 1: (Default value) This will fetch responses based on the earlier API implementation i.e prior to the enhancements made. version = 2: This will fetch responses based on the latest API implementation. |
* - Mandatory parameter
- Refer the Release Notes page to learn more about enhancements made in the API implementation.
To Fetch Records by ID, use the URL given below:
To Fetch Records by ID List, use the URL given below:
- You can fetch records either using id or idlist parameter. Use "id" parameter to retrieve records of a unique ID. Use "idlist" parameter to retrieve records of desired IDs.
To Fetch Leads without specifying the newFormat parameter
- When there is no specification about the response format, the default value "1" is assigned to the newFormat parameter, i.e newFormat = 1
https://<APPDOMAIN>/crm/private/xml/Leads/getRecordById?id=2000000022020&selectColumns=Leads(Lead Owner,First Name,Last Name,Email,Company,No of Employees,Annual Revenue,Created By,Created Time)
This will return a response like below:
<row no="1">
<FL val="LEADID">2000000022020</FL>
<FL val="SMOWNERID">2000000018005</FL>
<FL val="Lead Owner">John</FL>
<FL val="Company">Zillium</FL>
<FL val="First Name">Scott</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">James</FL>
<FL val="No of Employees">10</FL>
<FL val="Annual Revenue">1000.0</FL>
<FL val="SMCREATORID">2000000016908</FL>
<FL val="Created By">John</FL>
<FL val="Created Time">2010-03-16 10:04:52</FL>
<FL val="Modified Time">2010-03-16 10:04:52</FL>
To Fetch Leads specifying the idlist parameter
This will return a response like below:
<row no="1">
<FL val="LEADID">108490000015005</FL>
<FL val="SMOWNERID">10849000015001</FL>
<FL val="Lead Owner">John</FL>
<FL val="Company">Zylker Inc.</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">James</FL>
<FL val="No of Employees">100</FL>
<FL val="SMCREATORID">10849000014001</FL>
<FL val="Created By">John</FL>
<FL val="MODIFIEDBY">10849000015001</FL>
<FL val="Modified By">John</FL>
<FL val="Created Time">2014-04-30 17:41:05</FL>
<FL val="Modified Time">2014-10-08 14:41:21</FL>
<FL val="Last Activity Time">2014-10-08 14:42:16</FL>
<row no="2">
<FL val="LEADID">108490000020024</FL>
<FL val="SMOWNERID">1081490000078001</FL>
<FL val="Lead Owner">John</FL>
<FL val="Company">Acme Inc.</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">Scott</FL>
<FL val="SMCREATORID">1081490000078001</FL>
<FL val="Created By">John</FL>
<FL val="MODIFIEDBY">1081490000078001</FL>
<FL val="Modified By">John</FL>
<FL val="Created Time">2014-10-27 15:18:11</FL>
<FL val="Modified Time">2014-11-26 12:53:13</FL>
<FL val="Last Activity Time">2014-11-26 12:53:13</FL>
Test Program
You can use the attached program to run and test the working of the getRecordById method in your Java Environment.
The Java Program contains the following:
- the auth token generation format
- the parameters and their values
- actual usage of the method
Click here to download the program