Create Extension

For creating an extension (App) follow the steps below :

  1. Open the Command prompt, and run the command ZET init to create a new project. 
    Platform@Platform Extensions  ~ %  zet init
    ? Select the Zoho service for your widget and hit enter key (Use arrow keys)
     Zoho CRM 
      Zoho Projects 
    ❯ Zoho Desk 
      Zoho Orchestly 
      Zoho Mail 
      Zoho Creator 
    (Move up and down to reveal more choices)
  2. Select a Zoho Service.
    Here, choose Zoho Desk as the service using the arrow keys.
  3. Enter Name for the extension which you want to create.
      Platform@Platform Extensions ~ % zet init
    ? Select the Zoho service for your widget and hit enter key Zoho Desk
    ?  Project Name demoproject
  4. Choose whether you need a Module Support  or not. By giving module support as Yes, you can build your app including NPM packages. And you will also get the in-built structure for react app.
    Platform@Platform Extensions ~ % zet init
    ? Select the Zoho service for your widget and hit enter key Zoho Desk
    ?  Project Name demoproject
    ? Need Module Support (Use arrow keys)
  5. Press Enter.
    Platform@Platform Extensions ~ % sudo zet init
    ? Select the Zoho service for your widget and hit enter key Zoho Desk
    ?  Project Name demoproject
    ? Need Module Support No
    Initializing project at:   /Users/Platform/Extensions/demoproject
    Installing NPM dependencies...
    Project Initialized   /Users/Platform/Extensions/demoproject
    Run the following commands:
    cd  'demoproject'
    zet run
    Platform@Platform Extensions ~ %

Now, the project folder will be created with the given project name, necessary directories, and files in your local drive as given below.

Important Folders/Files given in the above folder structure are explained below:

/appThis folder contains all the files required for building an application.
/app/translationsThis folder contains all the translation files required to render the application in different languages. To know more about translations, click here.
/app/widget.htmlThe "app" folder contains files for rendering the app's user interface. "widget.html" serves as the initial landing page when the app is opened.
/src/index.jsWhen module support is true, index.js file serves as the entry point for app's execution.
plugin-manifest.jsonThe plugin-manifest.json file is used to store all configurations of the app. To learn more about Plugin-manifest.json and its keys, click here .
resources.jsonResource.json is used to add resources such as fields, webhooks, channels, and more to your app.