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Create Record in Zoho People


The zoho.people.create task is used to create a record in the specified Zoho People form.

Note: You can also create records for custom forms in Zoho People.


<response> = zoho.people.create(<form_name>, <record_values>, [<connection>]);


ParamsData typeDescription



The ID of the record that will be created and the status of the executed task.



The label name of the form in which the record needs to be created.

Note: Click here for the instructions to get the form label names in Zoho People.



The values of the new record that needs to be created. The keys to this param are the label names of the fields in the specified form.

Note: Click here for the instructions to get the field label names.




The name of the connection.

*Note: This param is not applicable to Zoho Creator and mandatory in Zoho Cliq.


The following script creates a record in the Zoho People form - Employee:

 //Create a KEY-VALUE variable to hold the values of the new record
 values_map = Map();
 values_map.put("EmployeeID", "12311");
 values_map.put("FirstName", "Richard");
 values_map.put("LastName", "Patrick");
 values_map.put("EmailID", "");
 //Execute the Zoho People integration task to create a new record
 response = zoho.people.create("P_Employee", values_map);


The KEY-VALUE variable that holds the values of the record that needs to be created.
The TEXT values that represent the field label names.
The TEXT that represents the form label name.

Response Format

Success Response

  • The success response will be returned in the following format:

      "result": {
      "pkId": "105893000000216001",
      "message": "Successfully Added"


To fetch the ID of the newly created record from the success response obtained, execute the following snippet:

 info <response_variable>.get("result").get("pkId");

Failure Response

  • The failure response due to duplicate record values will be returned in the following format:

      "response": {
      "message": "Error occurred",
      "uri": "/api/forms/json/employee/insertRecord",
      "errors": {
      "code": 7051,
      "message": {
      "EmployeeID": "Duplicate value present for EmployeeID "
      "status": 1

  • The failure response due to incorrect form name will be returned in the following format:

      "response": {
      "message": "Error occurred",
      "uri": "/api/forms/json/test/insertRecord",
      "errors": {
      "code": 7011,
      "message": "Form name 'Test' is invalid"
      "status": 1

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